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About Nolok

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Nolok

    Character wont die

    Can... anyone please help me?
  2. Nolok

    Character wont die

    Doesn't respawn me.
  3. Nolok

    Character wont die

    Haven't heard anything.. any other mods able to wipe me? Steak and Potatoes said my character was corrupt and he'd have to wipe it but I didn't hear anything else..
  4. Nolok

    Character wont die

    I got contacted by a mod who says he's working on a fix :) Here's hoping.
  5. Nolok

    Character wont die

    Are there any mods or anything that support this product? I'm beginning to think I'm a fool, my friends all warned me against getting this game and now it seems I flushed 30 bucks down the toilet after a day of playing... bugs I understand this is ridiculous though.
  6. Nolok

    Character wont die

    That doesn't seem to work either...
  7. Nolok

    Character wont die

    I am totally okay with losing my character but I don't have the option to respawn so I cannot. My hunger and thirst are maxed the hell out and I'm completely blind and can't see where I'm going as a result so trying to navigate out of the debug plains is not an option. My character won't die. I have no way to kill it. My game is a paperweight.
  8. Nolok

    Character wont die

    Yeah I know except I'm completely turned around, and my vision is completely whited out at this point and I can't see what I'm doing, my thirst and hunger are maxed but my character just won't die.... I try running in a direction and eventually the game will like freeze until I alt f4 and come back in. I got like 2 days of Day Z in and was enjoying it but now it seems I spent 30 bucks on a paperweight, I really wish they let you suicide. There is nothing out here for me to suicide with just endless rolling hills...
  9. Nolok

    Character wont die

    My character is lost in endless hills and he wont starve or die of thirst, I've been like this for hours and for some reason I can't respawn no matter what.... the game is effectively unplayable now. What can I do?