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Rōnin Rick

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Everything posted by Rōnin Rick

  1. So between the .45 FN and the .357 Magnum, which do you prefer? I like the .45 because it has 15 rounds vs. 6 and is quicker to reload when you have extra mags. You don't have to be as accurate with it as you can afford to miss a few shots, and it still kills zombies with a single shot, at least when I tried it. Also, it doesn't seem to be nearly as loud; when I shot a zombie with the Magnum, zombies rushed me from all corners of Elektro! lol Aside from personal preference, does anyone have any data on the weapons as far as damage, rate of fire, spread, etc.? Any info or stories would be appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Rōnin Rick

    Excited for Shotguns!

    @Gews You should really consider starting a thread about the shotguns so the devs can see it! I too want to see the shotguns be useful and realistic and have a role. You have my beans.
  3. Rōnin Rick

    Should we be able to carry two rifles?

    Can anyone confirm? If you can though, I still wouldn't. I need my backpack for ammo, rice, canteens and medical supplies.
  4. Rōnin Rick

    Excited for Shotguns!

    That's really interesting if the slugs were only as powerful as individual buckshot pellets. lol. Hopefully that is not the case. Slugs are fucking devastating IRL, and you should be able to kill someone with them in-game with a single slug from any range you could hit them from without optics. I'm definitely looking forward to using a weapon that I can change ammo type with for some variety and versatility!
  5. Rōnin Rick

    Should we be able to carry two rifles?

    As above commenters have suggested, I would LOVE to see a weight/encumbrance system implemented! I've been thinking about that the whole time I've been playing the game. Maybe I'm just out of shape IRL, but it seems a touch unrealistic that you can sprint indefinitely, even buck-naked. But while carrying 50+ pounds of gear? LOL. I think the ability to carry two rifles/rifle+shotgun would be very reasonable, especially if it were balanced via increased encumbrance.
  6. Rōnin Rick

    Excited for Shotguns!

    a dick-joke and Bill Murray avatar pic? Here sir, have my beans!
  7. Rōnin Rick

    Excited for Shotguns!

    I remember playing Gears of War 3 Horde mode and we would call the sawed-off shotty my 'get-the-fuck-off-me stick". Lol.
  8. Almost all the servers are the same damn one, 114008. I suspect this server also happens to be in another timezone, so if I want to play the game during the day IRL, it's going to be nighttime in-game, which sucks. So if I want to play during the day both in-game and IRL, I have to join a custom 24/7 daytime server, WITH 20-40 PLAYERS, ALL TRYING TO KILL ME ON SIGHT, assuming hunger doesn't kill me first, because ALL THE FUCKING BUILDINGS ARE ALREADY RANSACKED. /end rant Doesn't this seem like a poor design choice? If there is such a lack of server diversity, shouldn't the in-game time of day perhaps be randomized? I'd really like to play on a low-pop server at daytime. Many people would, in fact. Thanks. BTW, love the game, just frustrated that I can't gear out my survivor without getting gunned down immediately...
  9. Rōnin Rick

    Why are 90% of the servers the same? (114008)

    Ah, many thanks! But have you guys not noticed that at certain times it seems as though all the regular servers are night-time? Maybe it's just me. I live in the U.S., however I don't know where most DayZ servers are located. I assume in-game time of day to be synced with the server's local time. Meh.
  10. So you've been playing with the same character for some time now. You've acquired all the necessary gear to survive: food, water, clothes, a backpack, an axe. You do your best to help your fellow survivors however you can. One fine afternoon you decide to head into Cherno to look for supplies, when suddenly, a group of armed bandits surrounds you and demands that you drop your weapons. You comply with their orders. They handcuff you, steal all your gear, and feed you rotten fruit for good measure. They then leave you for dead. But you're no ordinary Bambi. No! You struggle out of your cuffs and set out to arm yourself, vowing vengeance.... You've looted neighboring towns, acquiring all the things necessary to embark on your quest for blood. You're well fed and watered; you have an M4 with plenty of ammo; you have a stylish hat. You were unable to find any pants, however, but you won't need pants where you're going... This will be a one-way trip.... Also, your name is Steve. Steve walks warily down the street, brim pulled way down low Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, machine gun ready to go Are you ready, hey, are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat? Out of the doorway the bullets rip, to the sound of the beat. Another one bites the dust Another one bites the dust And another one gone, and another one gone Another one bites the dust Hey, I'm gonna get you too Another one bites the dust How do you think I'm gonna get along? Well not too well at all Took me for everything that I had and kicked me out of my own Are you happy? Are you satisfied? How long can you stand the heat? Out of the doorway the bullets ripple, to the sound of the beat Another one bites the dust There are plenty of ways that you can hurt a man, and bring him to the ground You can beat him, you can cheat him, you can treat him bad, and then leave him when he's down But I'm ready, yes I'm ready for you, I'm standing on my own two feet Out of the doorway the bullets rip, repeating to the sound of the beat [shootout] So what's your song that perfectly describes your Dayz experience?
  11. So you've been playing with the same character for some time now. You've acquired all the necessary gear to survive: food, water, clothes, a backpack, an axe. You do your best to help your fellow survivors however you can. One fine afternoon you decide to head into Cherno to look for supplies, when suddenly, a group of armed bandits surrounds you and demands that you drop your weapons. You comply with their orders. They handcuff you, steal all your gear, and feed you rotten fruit for good measure. They then leave you for dead. But you're no ordinary Bambi. No! You struggle out of your cuffs and set out to arm yourself, vowing vengeance.... You've looted neighboring towns, acquiring all the things necessary to embark on your quest for blood. You're well fed and watered; you have an M4 with plenty of ammo; you have a stylish hat. You were unable to find any pants, however, but you won't need pants where you're going... This will be a one-way trip.... Also, your name is Steve. Steve walks warily down the street, brim pulled way down low Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, machine gun ready to go Are you ready, hey, are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat? Out of the doorway the bullets rip, to the sound of the beat. Another one bites the dust Another one bites the dust And another one gone, and another one gone Another one bites the dust Hey, I'm gonna get you too Another one bites the dust How do you think I'm gonna get along? Well not too well at all Took me for everything that I had and kicked me out of my own Are you happy? Are you satisfied? How long can you stand the heat? Out of the doorway the bullets ripple, to the sound of the beat Another one bites the dust There are plenty of ways that you can hurt a man, and bring him to the ground You can beat him, you can cheat him, you can treat him bad, and then leave him when he's down But I'm ready, yes I'm ready for you, I'm standing on my own two feet Out of the doorway the bullets rip, repeating to the sound of the beat [shootout]
  12. Rōnin Rick

    Ridiculous Fall Damage!

    Has anybody else noticed how brutal even the shortest of drops are in this game? (DayZ Standalone) I have fallen literally 3-5 feet and died. To be clear, I'm not talking about falling off rooftops or anything that extreme, I'm talking about something as innocuous as walking off the side of a staircase, or off a low platform. Seriously dropping half a "floor" or less, like less than half the height of your character, and you get the black screen informing you of your death. I could understand taking damage from moderate drops, breaking a leg even (it's happened to me once already), but dying from a 4 foot drop? What the hell? I thought this game was about realism. I'm not in particularly good shape (come on, I'm on a video game forum!) and I can drop from 6 feet without hurting anything. I certainly don't die! I get that you're carrying a good deal of gear on you, but still, you shouldn't instantly goddamn DIE from a 4 foot drop! This problem is only exacerbated by how buggy the game is currently. One time I was on a roof with a knee or waist high wall all the way around; I moved up to it to fire down at zombies with the new Mosin I had found, and my character walked/stepped OVER the damn barrier and plummeted to his death. If I had wanted to climb over the wall I would have pressed 'v'. Another time I was running down a stairwell in a building and while running down a flight of stairs (I want to say going from the 3rd to 2nd floor, not sure) my character glitched/passed right through the wall and to the outside of the building, where he preceded to fall the 10 or so feet to the ground. And die. In a game that is purportedly about realism, and especially considering its buggy/unfinished nature, should such slight/negligibly drops/falls fucking KILL you? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. Thanks!
  13. Rōnin Rick

    How Health Regen Works

    So I have been playing this game for a while now (Dayz Standalone) and have yet to regenerate health. Once I get injured and my screen desaturates (goes gray), my character stays like that indefinitely (or till I eventually die). I am aware that the way it is intended to work is if you are "healthy", i.e. not hungry, thirsty, bleeding or sick, you will begin to slowly regenerate health. However, I do not believe it is working currently. I have eaten and drank till my character was neither hungry nor thirsty AND the message shows up at the bottom saying 'I feel very full'. Yet even then, and while even standing still for long periods of time, my health does not regenerate; my character continues making pained noises and my screen remains desaturated. Anybody know what's going on here? Is it bugged, or am I simply doing something wrong? Also, regarding saline injections to restore your health, can you apply it to yourself? Because I have had everything imaginable, saline bag, IV starter kit, needle, etc. etc. and been unable to. Do I need a friend to administer it? If anyone could answer any of these questions, I, and I'm sure many others, would greatly appreciate it! I understand that this is merely an alpha, I just don't get why the in-game mechanics have to be so opaque. A menu-based page of tips/explanations would be incredibly helpful... Thanks!
  14. Rōnin Rick

    In-menu Beginner's Guide

    So I am new to the DayZ community, and hadn't played an ARMA game before (console peasant, sorry). I LOVE the concept of DayZ Standalone, and truly enjoy the realism it offers; I've grown weary of the Call of Honor: Gears of Battlefield games that pervade console gaming. However, being an ARMA/DayZ noob, I do not yet fully understand all the in-game mechanics, many of which seem almost intentionally obscure/obtuse/opaque. A perfect example of this is the healing mechanic. Apparently if you are injured and your screen is desaturated (gray), to get healthy again, you must do the following: Stop the bleeding with a rag or bandage, disinfect the wound/rag with alcohol (there is no in-game notification that your wounds are septic, btw), eat and drink until your character is neither hungry nor thirsty AND you see the 'my stomach is really full' notification, and wait at least 20 minutes for your health to begin regenerating. Is all of that intuitive? If I pick up the game and begin playing, am I reasonably expected to figure that out on my own? If I weren't so dead-set on learning this game and getting good at it, I would not care to play or purchase it, and the goal for developers should be to attract both old AND new players to their game/franchise. I feel that a guide in the menu (you'd have a tab for 'play', 'configure', 'find server', 'customize character', AND 'beginner's guide') would help tremendously. It would provide all the basic information regarding the game mechanics. How statuses work, i.e. hunger, thirst, blood, sickness; How the zombie A.I. works, i.e. how you are detected and how to lose pursuing zombies; How to determine direction and time of day using the sun and shadows; What type of loot can typically be found in which locations; How to craft, i.e. tearing shirts into rags, loading weapons, using blood/saline bags, etc. All of these could be explained in a very simple menu that newer players could look at, and IT COULD BE IMPLEMENTED RIGHT NOW, even in this early alpha state. We could have a beginner's guide, and also perhaps an up-to-date update/patch notes so we can read right there in the in-game menu what changes have been made and bugs fixed recently. Would be great! If you support this, let me know. Discuss in the comments section and maybe this can be implemented. I'm very excited about this game and would love to see it succeed highly! Thanks!
  15. Rōnin Rick

    How Health Regen Works

    For me, the healing mechanics in this game are the only thing turning me off from it. I love realism, but at some point as a game developer you have to recognize that people play to have fun, and it's no fun if you have to eat and drink enough to feed a small village, repeatedly, and wait a few hours, just to heal your character. And why do developers still think black-and-white screen is a good idea? There are other ways to indicate to the player that they are injured/hungry/thirsty/tired/sick without desaturating their screen and effectively further gimping them when they are already in dire straits. Not to mention you are making your normally beautiful-looking game look like garbage when you take the color away. tl;dr - I DON'T WANT TO PLAY THE WHOLE TIME IN FUCKING GRAY SCREEN! Thank you.
  16. Rōnin Rick

    Ridiculous Fall Damage!

    It just totally turns me off playing when I die from a tiny fall. Death via bullet or zombie mob doesn't frustrate me much at all. But dropping down from a minimal height and dying, losing all my gear and progress is just plain infuriating. Especially when it was due to buggy/poor collision detection. Ugh.
  17. Rōnin Rick

    How Health Regen Works

    That would be a real shame, it's not much fun playing on gray-screen. I have never understood why some developers choose to implement that function in their games. There are a variety of ways to let the player know they are injured/hungry/thirsty or otherwise 'afflicted' WITHOUT ruining the looks of the game. The game is quite beautiful normally, shit in black-and-white.