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BigglesWorth (DayZ)

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About BigglesWorth (DayZ)

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  1. BigglesWorth (DayZ)

    Dayz not responding on high populated servers

  2. BigglesWorth (DayZ)

    Dayz not responding on high populated servers

    Still happening and help is welcome
  3. BigglesWorth (DayZ)

    Dayz not responding on high populated servers

  4. BigglesWorth (DayZ)

    Dayz not responding on high populated servers

    And with this new patch it is even worse, Dayz has become unplayable on most servers I just don't understand what the problem is. I'm about to just say fuck it and not even bother with it anymore
  5. BigglesWorth (DayZ)

    Can't load the Mosin, can only chamber one round.

    Its a bug cause I spray painted my mosin black killed 2 guys ejected the last 2 rounds (I missed my first shot) went to reload and could only chamber it...but lucky one of those guys had an unsprayed mosin so I took his ejected the rounds and could load ammo So DON'T SPRAY YOUR MOSIN BigglesWorth
  6. BigglesWorth (DayZ)

    Dayz not responding on high populated servers

    I play CSGO, Diablo 3, LOL, WOT, StarCraft 2, Skyrim that's just a few and all on high with no problems. I might try your idea of taking it to a friends house after they fix the all servers are night time and I check this new patch out
  7. BigglesWorth (DayZ)

    Dayz not responding on high populated servers

    and its back with a vengeance 3 servers back to back instant freeze when I join. I don't know what to do anymore :( this is getting really annoying cause all I want to do is play the damn game.
  8. BigglesWorth (DayZ)

    Dayz not responding on high populated servers

    hmmm.....well then idk what my problem is then lol BigglesWorth
  9. BigglesWorth (DayZ)

    Dayz not responding on high populated servers

    Thank you for your reply Awruk, Everything is running cool but I think I figured out my problem I think it is a desync problem cause I have been able to get on high populated server and when I join I notice either a red or yellow chain on the right side of my screen so I just sit there and wait for it to go away. Once it does I can play, I still once in awhile get frozen right when I join but once I end task and get back in Ill join that server again and wait out the chains. So anyone who was having my problem just wait out the chains and DON'T DO ANYTHING just sit there and wait it out. BigglesWorth
  10. BigglesWorth (DayZ)

    Dayz not responding on high populated servers

    Still looking for help
  11. BigglesWorth (DayZ)

    Dayz not responding on high populated servers

  12. BigglesWorth (DayZ)

    Dayz not responding on high populated servers

  13. BigglesWorth (DayZ)

    Dayz not responding on high populated servers

    I thought I would list some of the things I have done to try and fix this problem 1. I run my game on the lowest settings (helped with lag and fps problems but not this one) 2. I have played on the severs that don't have BattleEye (didn't help) 3. I tried running Dayz as an administrator (I was able to play for a minute longer) 4. I went into my task manager and set Dayz priority to high (didn't help) 5. I also in the task manager set Dayz affinity to only 2 cores (didn't help) 6. I tried the -nosplash -no Pause -cpuCount= -maxMem= -exThreads= with the values that matched my computer (didn't help) 7. I also verify integrity of game cache (everything was fine with that) 8. I also play with my friends about 95% of the time we use Skype so I turned off Skype (didn't help) 9. I tried playing without out my friends on high populated servers (didn't help) 10. I uninstalled Steam and Dayz when I joined a high populated server after reinstalling and they both stop responding but after I ended Dayz with the task manager steam started running again. I don't think its the player proximity desync issue cause when I play on low populated servers I can group up with people for how ever long I want with out problems. If anyone who has had a similar problem and fixed it can thing of anything else I should try please respond and let me know. Also here are my computer spec. and all my drivers are up to date AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Processor 3.20 GHz 4 GB of Ram AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series ASRock AMD-AMD Series 760GM-GS3 for a motherboard BigglesWorth
  14. This has been going on for almost a week now. Every time I join a high populated server (13 or more) I get into the server and it loads up taking about 45seconds to a minute which is fine by me idk care about that. Then I start to play and depending on how much time (no more than 2 minutes) I get I can move around I can use my keys to switch weapons, pick up gear, etc. Then my screen freezes and nothing happens so I pull up my task manager and it says Dayz isn't responding also about 95% of the time it causes my steam to not respond. I really don't think it is a steam problem cause I can play all my other games from steam on max setting fine with no problems at all. I have tried a lot of things to fix it I'm open to any suggestions. Also I forgot to say that I can play on low populated (up to 13) server with no problems at all. BigglesWorth