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Everything posted by commissar38

  1. Dood IRL if you attack AT THE VERY LEAST I have my fists. I mean if newbie spawns fresh off and he can't even use his hands to defend himself, doesn't that sound silly as hell. I mean if you have an M4, a newb's fists won't mean a damn thing. And I think the OP's desire for fresh spawns to be completely helpless is a little disturbing lol they've got to have a "fighting" chance man!
  2. I might check this out. This sounds like a good server.
  3. commissar38

    Being a bandit that doesn't KoS feels good.

    That's how a bandit should be played. Getting robbed in game is much more interesting than just getting randomly shot and looted.
  4. commissar38

    Time and Place for everything ( KOS)

    If you don't like people who KOS just go on low pop servers then. But this game really is about how we interact with eachother in a virtual environment with almost no rules and to ban KOS would really hamper the devs attempts to implement that. I mean sure we all get killed eventually but it's those interactions with people (be it good or bad) make an interesting story and what sets this game apart from the others.
  5. commissar38

    Do you combat log?

    I technically CL'd once. But I was already in the process of logging off when I was shot at. It was more like dumb luck I guess. But would I knowingly CL? Nah, half the fun of this game is scavenging for loot. If I get killed, I get killed. Big whoop (to use a nineties expression.) I prefer to RP in this game anyway and there is no Combat Logging in IRL so it's kind of stupid (and poor form.)