3DP is being removed anyway' date=' so this bug will resolve itself. [/quote'] There's a reason why 1st person only servers are not full all the time: preference. People like 3rd person view and so they try to join (even veteran) servers with this feature enabled. If people like it, there is no reason to remove it. inb4 thees is a harcore gamez not for CoD noobz, etc, etc, bullshit. People play 3DP because its safer and theyre far too attached to their items. No one has ever given any other reason why they play in 3DP other than "I can see around corners and over walls" Remove 3DP. I play In 3rd person View because The Frikkin First person Head Bob Makes me Sea sick, Its one thing when your RUN RL and your head moves, its another when its a screen shaking for 1hrs of travel time with your eyes fixated on a screen... As long theres crazy head bobing, i wont force myself to Run in First person You can turn off headbob, it's in the options. When I first loaded Arma 2/Day Z I ran for literally 1 second before stopping to turn it off.