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About hitt0r

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    Newcastle, UK

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  1. hitt0r

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I havent played in ~6 months. I've downloaded experimental but i cant connect to any of the servers which show free slots and just get "Connection Failed" - i've done some googling but most posts relate to everyone trying to get on when it was released a short while ago. Advice?
  2. hitt0r

    DayZ City FPS

    Hello, I've been playing DayZ Alpha on and off for ~2 years now - in that time there have been several server/client optimisations aimed at improving FPS. Have there been any announcements or anything to suggest that 60fps in citys/towns will be achievable in the final product?
  3. Hi all, I'm trying to 'build' the best AK i can by looking for the following stuff: Couple of questions (as of 0.58) : 1. Does the item quality affect the guns accuracy ? (damaged vs worn) 2. Does the item type affect the guns accuracy? e.g. Polymer vs wood? if so where can i find further info about this?
  4. hitt0r

    loot info

    I haven't played since 0.48 so forgive me for the lack of current affairs, Couple of questions: i am aware of the 12hr rest / 4hr loot spawn - i think thats right ? I am struggling to find typical weapons/ammo up the NWAF. i've been there 8 times in the last 3 days on the same server [persistent i believe - DayzTV public] and it has the same clothes, shoes and hat's there but little to nothing else seems to spawn there, why is this? Has loot been drastically reduced? - i've circled the map over the course of 3 days on the same server and it 'feels' like there is a reduction in loot - personally i think its a good thing so everyone isnt fully geared. Also i've ate 100's of apples to stay alive :Da few frriends have said loot doesnt spawn in area's players are and it spawns elsewhere? - can anyone shed any light on this? Thanks.
  5. hitt0r

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Ha yeah, i wanted to grab the mosin and chest peice and GTFO of there as i knew it was just a matter of time before i was shot. i had 4 guns on me and only shotgun ammo lol (SKS, Shotgun, Longhorn + 1911)
  6. hitt0r

    DayZ SA Security Leak.

    If the old code is redundant, then it can't be used to create hacks with new code then i assume? Thanks for the quick response.
  7. hitt0r

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Thank you for your help. So essentially if you have anything in your hands you can't do jack. Interestingly enough if you want to eat, there's an automation there and it does this for you. I would prefer it if these type situations were automated rather than having to go through the clicks, Same with water bottles. For consistency either automate the whole lot or none at all. E.G. Eating beans with a gun in your hands - This is ok and its automated you put the gun away and you eat. Filling a water bottle up - This is not ok you must put the bottle in your hands, then fill it up then put it back in your backpack. Where's the logic in that.
  8. hitt0r

    DayZ SA Security Leak.

    Hi orlok, Apologies I'm not following... if the source code is released, does this mean that there is further potential that hacks/cheats will increase as a result ? - just an honest non politicians answer would be great, if you will. Thank you.
  9. hitt0r

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    I played DayZ from v0.30.113925 (Jan' 14) to v 0.44.123802 ~6 months, until i got a bit bored as we all do with games from time to time. 3 months later, i return from playing Arma3 altis life. I noticed a new Zombie running like a dog and i see a cow in a field... wow... some progress. STILL NO DAMN VEHICLES.... >:( Is this a bug? - i had a noob moment and pulled my pants off admitidly, however why cant i swap clothes/guns over anymore ? bah! This cold / hypodermic stuff... There's no point in playing in a server with rain. - or am i losing the plot ? as it rains every 20 secs which is frankly stupid. IRL there are more solutions than a puffer jacket and fire. Logically you would wear t-shirts ontop of t-shirts...- they really haven't thought this through even at alpha stages. I have server hopped due to rain and spawned in with no gear on 2 occasions because of this. i guess this is still normal to loose gear every now & then. I noticed that Balota is different now and NEAF is different also - i'm yet to form an opinion on those. I've missed out on alot of the updates admittedly and i'm going to spend some time reviewing the change logs. Any ETA on vehicles? i also understand there's persistant servers now? so much to learn.... :thumbsup: :beans:
  10. hitt0r

    Axe Fail.

    thanks for the comments guys heh loved every minute... wait second of it ... :D
  11. hitt0r

    I met a very lucky man ;)

    i cringed watching this.
  12. hitt0r

    Axe Fail.

    What type of videos are you after i generally record all my footage fella.
  13. hitt0r

    Axe Fail.

    My buddy was surrounded by 2 bandits in the ATC. They took him out and naturally i tried to avenge my mate. Hope you enjoy the video as much as i did making it - ha still laughing away now about it :D :D
  14. hitt0r

    Hacker Justice

    Congrats on killing hackers but stop using wall glitches. that is all.