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Everything posted by janol

  1. Try CTRL+mouse scroll, essential for us elderly (And OK, no times new roman anymore)
  2. I've always assumed it did not happen that long ago... Maybe a few a days earlier, or maybe just yesterday. For it seems that it is typically thought that the characters start out of the blue in the situation, maybe because they were just then washed on shore or something like that. It is not very plausible that they were on the sea for years or even months without knowing about this z-calypse. The time-line is bit muddy for many reasons. For example, as the "zombies" are presumably not undead or supernatural, but rather living "infected" humans with human physical capabilities, they should not ipso facto be able go on without eating and drinking for a very long time... actually they should propalby all be dead within couple of months at most. (Especially as it seems they aren't very keenly seeking water to drink...) And why is everything so worn and rusty? Maybe its just the Chernarus thing... not much bothering with crops, leaving cars to rust, never ever repairing a fence etc... But anyways, I suppose it hasn't been that many days since z-apocalypse.
  3. janol

    Meaning of OP?

    Ahm, no insult intended good sire dear! :)
  4. janol

    Meaning of OP?

    OP must have had some trouble following certain comments, given this mildly ironic shortcoming of his slang vocabulary...
  5. So given that it is normal in this game to go armed with a fire arm, these results pretty much mean that most people kill on sight by default... What about cases where someone is armed, but does not have his/her weapon ready?
  6. Just to repeat (theme of the thread, you know): This was a good suggestion, and well worked out - plenty of ideas on details, some could be usefull etc. It was foolish of OP to put this forth as one more anti-KoS suggestion - his ideas have potential, but they should not be seen as preventing KoS, rather making the game more realistic and deep. You know, you can KoS even if your hands shake for few minutes afterwards :) It would just make it a tiny bit harder to mass-murder bambi-bunches at Balota.
  7. This was quite good and well argued post by OP, so I don't agree with all the hate (really, I thought this game was mostly liked by bit more mature folk than many of the commentators seem to be). Sure the idea has been around plenty of times, but this one stands out for having been well thought through. KoS or not, well-implemented stress mechanics would be interesting and realistic on their own right. "Infected", darkness and hunger could likewise contribute to stress level. Such a mechanic would by no means be implemented only to punish bandits - if done properly it would make the game more difficult for all players. Besides, stress has deep physiological sides, so it's not just something felt subjectively in a passing manner and shrugged off. NB most people have de facto emerged from wars severely traumatized. So the unfortunate frequency of such occurreces - or citing their tragic death-count - is of little use as a evidence here. Because you have to kill to survive doesn't mean that it has no effect.