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Everything posted by BrainlessZombie

  1. BrainlessZombie

    Salmonellosis: Let's Discuss

    It sounds like food poisoning to me, since it got fixed with charcoal tabs, just the same as if you eat the wrong kind of berries.
  2. BrainlessZombie

    Meet & Greet hosted by [FOG] (Jan. 18th, Sun.)

    I dont think i'm gonna make it guys, it's a shame, have fun!
  3. BrainlessZombie

    Sanity checks you say? 0.53

    So the tweets said something about "Sanity checks", i'm not on experimental atm so, what is going on? I just checked some of the old threads and the majority of people are against about it so, i'm really curious why they decided to include a feature like this, when most of the player base seems to be against it. Also how is it implemented and what are the repercussions onto the character. Can someone throw some light here?
  4. BrainlessZombie

    Sanity checks you say? 0.53

    O well, it happens, thanks for the enlightening.
  5. BrainlessZombie

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    Patch notes? Thanks in advance.
  6. BrainlessZombie

    The Tales of A Lost Man

    What if someone had axed you... From the back? you said it, 1st person server.
  7. That's how i've been thinking that's gonna be like, all servers private hive and persistence on. Once everything is working, finished and released.
  8. BrainlessZombie

    Outfit testing menu

    I thought this was standalone not the sims. Dont count with my vote, i say no to this. Edit: All i was able to read was, lets check outfits for our dolls, kawaiii desu desu!
  9. BrainlessZombie

    Rolling server locks (feel free to tailor title)

    First of all, a copy paste: if you want to suggest something there is a whole forum called SUGGESTIONS. All, if something aint broke dont change it, i want to be able to join whenever i want and leave as well. I'm old for the average age of gamers nowadays, it was a really demanding and time consuming game, they talk about WoW buy it aint even a 1/10th as demanding nor time consuming..
  10. BrainlessZombie

    Rolling server locks (feel free to tailor title)

    No. How about of the people who have a... How is it called... A life? This aint everquest or any other of the sort. Join when you want i say. besides, if you want to suggest something there is a whole forum called SUGGESTIONS.
  11. BrainlessZombie

    Worse than KOS

    Gamma exploit... ps: There is not such thing as heroes or bandits, this aint the mod. Edit: i have no intention to bump this thread so i've edited some of the text 'cause you seem blind.
  12. BrainlessZombie

    Where is the PVP?

    Id say Novodmitrosk, biggest city of the north.
  13. BrainlessZombie

    Odd building... unique?

    Seems that your body... Is ready.
  14. BrainlessZombie

    Mosin Bipod?

    Busted! You really should read the rules before you get a ban.
  15. BrainlessZombie

    Second Chance! Rarely do you get another chance for vengeance...

    That was nice, keep it coming! :beans:
  16. BrainlessZombie

    Screw Looting, Ninja Axe Bandits

    Grow some skin Justin. I was nice and dandy, your video bored me, i'm entitled to tell you as much as you're entitled to post it. I don't care of what you post or if you post, grow up and try some editing to make your vids not so slow paced. See you around angry beaver, not giving you anymore of that attention you seem to crave so bad, beaver.
  17. BrainlessZombie

    What is up with the farming hoe?

    One hit in the head kill apparently like most of two-hand held melee weapons, specially if you guys didnt have the 'healthy' status, i think helmets needs some buffing/fixing though.
  18. BrainlessZombie

    where to find guns every time in 0.52

    Mr. Irish is right you know :|
  19. BrainlessZombie

    Opinions on teamspeak and DayZ SA?

    I say it's ok, i just bought the game to my brother and without 3rd party programs it would be hell to meet up or play at all together, so... That's that.
  20. BrainlessZombie

    Are PU scopes gone?

    Since my come back to play on 0.52 i've found 6 LRS but not a single PU... So, are they gone?
  21. BrainlessZombie


    He's onto us, run... I say RUUUUUUUUUUN! Just as expected then, thanks for stoping by.
  22. BrainlessZombie

    Screw Looting, Ninja Axe Bandits

    If you're not willing or ready to take criticism perhaps you shouldnt post your videos.
  23. BrainlessZombie

    Are PU scopes gone?

    Oki doki, thanks everyone!