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Everything posted by BrainlessZombie

  1. BrainlessZombie

    DEANS serverpolicy - PURE stupidity

    OPs surname (helicopter hunter) should be changed to "marked with shame" or something. "The internet, we are all tough guys here"
  2. BrainlessZombie

    THE DAYZ WISH LIST (From the Community to the Devs)

    Double handcuffs (hands-feets), takes double to put on, to take off (saw or keys), and 3 times more to wiggle them off.
  3. BrainlessZombie

    Cheating you've encountered

    No cheating that i have noticed.+90hrs
  4. BrainlessZombie

    Is weight going to play a factor ever?

    It would be great if they did.
  5. BrainlessZombie

    Logging Out - Expermimental Branch 114782

    I totally agree with this.
  6. BrainlessZombie

    Chernarus Survivor Census - the CSC

    If you need a poll option to make you believe you're badass then you're far away from being badass.
  7. I'll go with: "Watch your back, shoot straight, conserve ammo, and never, EVER cut a deal with a dragon trigger happy maniac."
  8. BrainlessZombie

    The svetloyarsk community

    I believe this post should be in 'clan recruitment'. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/127-clan-recruitment/ Offtopic and SPOILER (comic).
  9. BrainlessZombie

    Do you save your loot? or spend it when you can?

    I know it's possible, i just think at the actual state of the game nobody would be able to live long enought to have all that in usable contition with ammmo and all the good stuff, just that so, picks or didn't happen I SAY!!!
  10. BrainlessZombie

    Do you save your loot? or spend it when you can?

    I call 'bullshit' in this one, picks or didn't happen.
  11. BrainlessZombie

    Do you suffer from "Pristine Fever"?

    You have problems, please get help.
  12. My wife told me today this: "I'm seriously starting to think that this new game is making you mentally ill" A friend and i had handcuffed a guy and took his pants off, so... I guess she's right.
  13. BrainlessZombie

    Hot Spawning, Ghosting, Combat Logging. @@@

    Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
  14. BrainlessZombie

    Hot Spawning, Ghosting, Combat Logging. @@@

    Game's in ALPHA, what makes it a pre-release. Think before posting and don't make us lose our time reading your nonsense ranting please.
  15. BrainlessZombie

    Bang "Ah ha ha"

    You obviously don't know how the mechanics work atm, to a full blood//hp it takes 3 blows to the head, the less blood//hp the easier to knock 'em up. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159251-merinos-in-depth-video-guides-updated-jan-22nd-all-medical-items-to-keep-or-not-to-keep/ Understand the way things work, and then talk.
  16. BrainlessZombie

    I'm starting to get KoSers

    At the begining it pissed me off but now i can really understand SOME of you guys, i mean, you cant rob nobody, they just log off, so if you like to rolepaly 'bandit' or just interact with someone, you can't. Tou want something from someone you kill him take what you can and move on. Couple days i posted in someone elses thread and said that people bleeding shouldn't be able to log off, and if they wanted to they should be treated as unconscious (you leave your character dies), but... Now i think it would be better something like a timer to be able to log off, like one minute of defenseless sitting or something like that, but you can cancel it at any moment by getting of the sitting position (F3 default). Thoughts? PS: I think i will never get those that kills fresh spawns for free (no agressive ones, if they come to punch you blow 'em up), or freshspawns killing other freshspawns.
  17. BrainlessZombie

    From now on I trust no one.

    Rule #1 is 'Don't get attached to your gear'
  18. BrainlessZombie

    Bang "Ah ha ha"

    You need at least 3 consecutive punches on an unprotected head, good luck aiming on a moving target that will be most likely hitting back.. Ps: I took alone 3 dudes at the same time, with a baseball bat and a motorbike helmet, didn't lose even 1/3 of blood.
  19. BrainlessZombie

    Bang "Ah ha ha"

    >record yourself killing a freshspawn >call the video "a ha ha" >post it in the forum >??? >profit --- There a lot of sissies like this guy in game, i was only a matter of time 'till it reached the forum. Early today, see someone in berezino, say "hello fellow survivor", he's got a shotgun, he says "are you friendly?", "sure, i just spawned and i was on my way to drink some water, i can show you where's the closest well if you want"... His answer: "Ok, bye" BOOM! You're dead... ... ...
  20. BrainlessZombie

    no more alphas for me

    What do you want, a tap in the back? Don't let the door hit you on your way out. I hate sissies using emotes to try to look less offensive. The only thing that i agree with is that the focus shouldn't be on the pvp, i have no interest in deamatch pewpews no more, i'm too old and my reflexes ain't what they used to be.
  21. BrainlessZombie

    Zombies should run faster than players

    Are you out of your mind? They go through walls and you want 'em to be faster than players so the game would be unplayable, for fresh spawns (no weapons of any kind).
  22. BrainlessZombie

    I don't think the Burlap sack is meant to do this

    Just fill a bug report please. Thanks for sharing.
  23. BrainlessZombie

    Are they breaking DayZ as we know it?

    How can one break a game when it isn't even a game yet, seriously... It's not a released game, it's not a beta... It's ALPHA
  24. BrainlessZombie

    [Community Suggestion] Friendly UN Uniform

    Get out... You don't even know what you're talking about. Edit: Think before posting! Fuck that kid got me pissed. Stop bringing politics to the game and learn to deal with people killing you on sight. FUCK!
  25. You lost me at: There is not such a thing as factions in dayz, from there on all i see is nonsense, you don't seem to have think through before write. You want something you don't have, you either look for it, kill for it or trade. Safe zones... Currency... Seriously, what were you thinking? I mean, beside increase your number of posts.