Simple idea really -- Take the same approach say like everquest or world of warcraft. You get your character until he dies legitimately. You can make multiple characters maybe up to 3 that you can cycle between. Only 1 character permitted in use per account use at a time. If you save our characters on a separate cloud that you manage, it would enable us to never lose our characters ( I see the reports coming in about the people losing their characters by just simply switching servers). If you atleast made the character we have access to create now more static in ANYWAY! I think it would be a great step towards fixing your current character being wiped problem. It would also force us to be more creative and create better propaganda like the crazy youtube videos going viral right now. People don't want to play a game where you're that same dude as everyone else -- MOST people who are true gamer's will spend hours creating their character's unique look. Hope it at least sparks some idea's for atleast DayZ2? Or maybe SOE will take it and use it for their survival everquest style shooter. A survival Planetside2? Damn.. After you make your $$$$ from this one you might be able to afford all that server $!