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About MrBeads

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  1. MrBeads

    DayZ RP first Life!

    My first life ever on DayZ RP. Some of the most fun I have had playing DayZ in a long time, great sense of interaction and community. Recommend it to anyone who has not tried it. <
  2. MrBeads

    How to trick a survivor

    So the end result would have been the same, him dead. I tried being friendly initially, while you would have just struck him from the get-go, i'm failing to see your logic as to how you try to act like what you do is alright, but doing what I did is such a immoral sin....
  3. MrBeads

    How to trick a survivor

    So I cam into the grocery store, saw him first let him know i was behind him, unarmed, and friendly, and he then proceeded to try to kill me. After missing with his shots, he then tried the friendly approach. Ha sorry self righteous champion of Chernarus next time I'll get on my knees and beg for his friendship and we can mosey on over through the wasteland and live happily ever after. Because he missed his shot aimed at my life multiple times knowing the conditions of me being unarmed and harmless he is the poor victim. Better luck next time.
  4. MrBeads

    How to trick a survivor

    That's partially why I posted it, he took so many shots!!! But yeah glad you enjoyed him, sorry I couldn't do the same! And yes just posted it to see how it would look and to test new editing software, I was expecting the negative comments. It all comes with the DayZ community lol, find a cure for cancer and they will find a clever way to criticize you for it.
  5. MrBeads

    How to trick a survivor

    PS to all of you he tried to kill me at first when i said i was friendly, and it was only after he ran out of rounds in his clip did he try to act friendly anyways.
  6. MrBeads

    How to trick a survivor

  7. MrBeads

    How to trick a survivor

    I do not support this behavior or actions, I know it was a dick move! Survival brings the evil out in all of us. If it helps usually I am friendly and gullible enough to be on the receiving end of this. Just made it to see how DayZ SA would look/record (:
  8. MrBeads

    What is DayZero? Here you go!

    very helpful, thank you!
  9. MrBeads

    PLEASE HELP, log out issue

    I have no connection issues with any other games, standalone runs perfect, I have a great router with good internet and the connection has never been an issue, I may re install or something.
  10. So I recently went back to the dayz mod to play it while SA updated some more, and i have a nagging issue. I keep logging into a game and about 30 seconds in after i walk around, it just logs me out into the lobby....This is recurring among DayZero, vanilla, and Epoch so far 3 of 3 iv'e tried. Anybody know why?