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Everything posted by Immersive

  1. Dude seriously? He clearly stated he was gonna log anyway and if anything he was just unlucky. He wasn't even confirmed for getting shot AT. So cool down with that. He did nothing wrong and you shouldn't try to make him feel bad.
  2. Immersive

    All guns one shot kill = more authentic

    Easy, because getting shot in the foot or the leg and dying is just laughably bad. And banditry would be just be unbearable. Nobody would do anything but KoS with no consequences. Hell if a bandit 1 shot shoots you in the foot and you die none of your gear ends up ruined. Bandits would never have to work for their loot and they'd never need to shake someone down. Leaving the community a terrible mess.
  3. Immersive

    What is the point of guns?

    You can't aim. Simple. Stop playing this like you play CoD. Guns have recoil here.
  4. Immersive

    Should Cannibalism be in DayZ?

    I personally think cannibalism would be a horrible idea. There's just certain things that are the world's universal No Nos. Number one is cannibalism and number two is incest. Both are sure to cause problems. Firstly I'd rather not get the DayZ standalone banned in countries over something so useless. Secondly, food is easy as hell to aquire so, if you're desperate enough to eat human meat you're doing it wrong. And lastly this encourages more useless bandits. Bandits with a food source strictly from killing new players on the coast oh boy! More Mosin fodder.