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Everything posted by Immersive

  1. Immersive

    Bad case of diarrhea

    Im laughing so hard, i immediately thought of critkal's commentary of Dont Shit Your Pants.
  2. Immersive

    Bounty Hunt

    This isn't GTA 5.
  3. Cool enough idea, but how in the hell is this any different from the bandit/hero system in the mod.
  4. Immersive

    Military locations unequilibrated

    I quite like spawning on the east side of the map. Berezino is a really nice town and people there are usually friendly unlike elektro/cherno. And why are you complaining about loot on the NE side? Rify ship has pretty good loot and exclusive items that you cant find anywhere else and NE airfield is usually empty of people. The whole right side of the map is loot city because idiots are too busy deathmatching it up on the west side in Balota and NW airfield.
  5. Wow, this post is totally original! Lemme just throw this in the bin full of all the totally original threads as of late: Lets see here KoS threads, 3PP circlejerks, Combat logging threads, and Server Hopping threads.
  6. Immersive

    Friend Tracker, Friendly Marker

    If you're using teamspeak or some other out of game chat you should be able to communicate properly enough to know who your people are. Shouldn't need a marker Gandalf.
  7. Immersive

    Combat Logging - Massive Game Killer for DayZ

    How many topics of this are there...
  8. A long time. Especially East - West.
  9. Immersive

    Biggest Killer in DayZ....

    This, trying to run after getting to the top of a ladder is bad news. You'll clip through anything after that point then... *Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew* *Splat* "You are dead"
  10. I play on low pops too usually, 10 - 20 is pretty nice. Plus people seem less inclined to KoS outside of mil bases for some reason. Every time i play on a low pop server i come across nice people, its only on what seems like the huge 40/40 servers where i meet some real douches.
  11. Immersive

    Ok RPers, lets see your characters you like to play

    At one point I was a surviving Major League Baseball player mad at the fact I'm not making millions of dollars due to the zombie infection. I beat them over the head with my baseball bat, it's not very effective though.
  12. Immersive

    Empty roads in the north?!

    Dunno, the Map is full of suprises, a few Creepy things also.
  13. Immersive

    Melee weapons clumsy?

    This, if it isn't a fireaxe or a splitting axe you're wasting your time.
  14. Getting killed by ladders, exploring the map, looking for a press vest, helping new spawns out, finding seculuded houses that have awesome scenery making mental notes for when tents/building comes, rocking my leather shoes like a baws. You know, the usual.
  15. Immersive

    Ridiculous Fall Damage!

    Cause everything you do is exactly the same as us. You can't judge unless you seriously do a test side by side in the same situations. Stop talking out your ass.
  16. Immersive

    Swimming to Skalisty Island

    Wish I woulda known that yesterday. It really is a deathtrap, but with all the relatively rare loot there that just sits there that nobody comes to I gotta try.
  17. Immersive

    Ridiculous Fall Damage!

    I got the worst of both worlds, I glitched down a ladder at Rify boat managed not to kill myself climbed back up and pressed sprint so I wouldnt slide back to the bottom of the ladder and ended up flying off the side of a RAILED fucking boat 1 million feet to my fully geared death.
  18. Immersive

    Swimming to Skalisty Island

    Yeah they're great I'm just depressed I died and lost em. Damn ladders.
  19. Immersive

    Swimming to Skalisty Island

    You guys are talking about Rify boat by Berezino. Its the only place to find the elusively rare "Press" vest and it's the only place ive ever found leather shoes. Which are quite spiffy if I say so myself. Most of the decent loot can be found in the cabins on the Southside of the ship. Cool place to explore HOWEVER be very very careful with the ladders and the unrailed drops in the ship as it is relatively easy to die if you aren't careful. I'd avoid them altogether as I've lost a fully geared character that I had with tons of rare stuff due to ladder glitches. I went up a ladder to the back of the boat, fell down the ladder. No biggie didn't die. Tryed to walk up the ladder again this time sprinting toward so I didn't slide back down, ended up glitching through the railing midsprint and fell many stories high off a fully sized ship to my death. And to make things worse the respawn wouldn't work and I was forced to go to another server and couldn't go get my items.
  20. You guys complaining about KoS are idiots. Re-evaluate what you are doing and assess the situation. Question number 1: Are you in Balota, NEAF, or NWAF. If the answer is yes. Don't expect friendlies. Period. Question number 2: Are you yourself armed, do you look threatening? Are you wearing a payday mask/gas mask. If yes, your chances of getting KoS'd increase. If I see a guy rolling in with full camo and a gas mask you look creepy and threatening unless you convince me otherwise you're up to no good. Question number 3: Do you have a Mic?/If you do, are you a little kid? If no to having a mic, expect your chances of getting killed increased. If you're a little kid with a mic be expecting to die and hopefully not by bullets, rotten bananas would be fitting. There stop complaining now.
  21. Immersive

    Fell to my death

    Exactly why anything with ledges, ladders, more than one floor high make me nervous.
  22. Immersive

    10 Man Squad getting Ghosted On?...

    So much mad in this thread Lel.
  23. Immersive


    I love the way DayZ SA goes into trying to make little details that add into realism stand out. However, sometimes I think that the community is a bit jaded on whether they think it's a game or not. Games don't have to be totally realistic to be fun, and some of the community shouldn't be so quick to freak out if something isn't so realistic. It's a GAME it's supposed to be FUN, add to much realism and it takes the fun away. And before people start ripping me saying the game isnt hardcore enough, you just sound like a bunch of hipsters just looking for a reason to bash a worn out franchise like call of duty using it as a crutch for your skinny jean wearing ideals. "B-But muh realistic bean simulator"
  24. Immersive


    Too much scare for me. Am scare of RL noclip zombies. Much scare. Wow.