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Everything posted by Immersive

  1. Immersive

    What to do now?

  2. Immersive

    Forget KOS, POS is the real issue!

    10/10 would make alliance with.
  3. Immersive

    Elecktro Trade Stop

  4. When I read your story I was so scared I shat myself. Most orginal story ever.
  5. Immersive

    [Suggestion] New Animation Ideas

    Something needs to be done about the comically painful standing vault animation. I can't stand trying to do the fluid jump animation when running from zombies only to stop like a total dumbass and SLOWLY 'vault'/clip through an object.
  6. Bet you want full ghille suits too so you can test out your l33t Snipur Skeelz on bambis.
  7. Immersive

    What to do now?

    Y u steal my shinobu. Kill yo self.
  8. Immersive

    Suggestion - disable VOIP during gameplay

    1/10 for making me reply.
  9. Immersive

    Horses, the almost perfect "vehicle"

    Lol. So a vehicle bandits can easily shoot down or force feed rotten bananas to. More animal cruelty.
  10. Some of us like looking at our characters.
  11. Immersive

    Suggest an Item Thread!

    Go away potheads.
  12. Good luck, sounds good.
  13. Makeshift armor like TLOU online Rocket pls.
  14. Immersive

    Gun Ideas

    Theres a lot of threads already preposing this topic. Learn to use the search function.
  15. This is idiotic, all this server hopping talk with 'Fixes' are all sure to break the game. The simplest fix to this 'problem' is to just make loot spawn throughout the day without restarts. God help us if rocket actually listens to one of you idiots trying to limit gameplay.
  16. Immersive

    Item Conditions: Which Actually Matter?

    Well it's been said before that the condition doesn't matter much but I'm pretty OCD about condition so I won't pick up anything that isnt worn or pristine. Plus damaged items/clothes just look bad.
  17. Immersive

    teaming up

    Sure I'll play with you. Steam ID: basedimmer
  18. Immersive

    New Humanity and Banditing system?

    Stop doing my job. Anyway OP I like the way you described it better than most of the guys who came up with the same idea. But I especially like the seeing things/suicide part very dark.
  19. Immersive

    Time to be a bandit.

    Just play smart. Stuff like this can only happen if you let it. From the sound of it you got your ass whooped by an unarmed bandit, don't turn your back on them ever.
  20. Immersive


    I'm gonna be the first to pick up a paper saying "ur an fagget"
  21. Immersive

    Time to be a bandit.

    I never have any problems being a hero to newspawns, they never punch me in the face so maybe they just dont like you.
  22. Immersive

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I've been rustled.
  23. Immersive

    Stages of Dayz

    Or you could be me on my first day."Hey friend Im starving to death do you have any beans" "Yeah buddy gimme a second" "Thanks man you're a life savor" *He drops bandages on the ground* "Why bandages, I asked for food" "Cause you're going to need them" "Okay but I don't underst-" He then proceeds to beat me down with a shovel while laughing like a madman. *You are unconscious* *You are dead*
  24. Immersive

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    Hilarious. Simply hilarious.
  25. Immersive

    Very Random

    Happens when you sprint for a long time. It's up there on my list of most annoying bugs, along with ladders, and general desync issues.