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About bigmanshawn

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  1. bigmanshawn

    Server hoppers

    The solution I have proposed before is for any town/base a person connecting at those locations is moved out of the area a bit when they log in, unless they disconnected less than 5 minutes ago and are logging into the same server. This prevents people coming on from being off for a long time and suddenly appearing next to people who have just fought their way there. As well deals with server hoppers, but allows someone who put the effort in to get there but has net issues to come back to where they were.
  2. bigmanshawn

    Bandit switch bug with backpacks

    Can confirm this as well. Shot someone in self defense, went bandit, black screen popped up saying "Requesting Character Data". Then Character Data Loaded or something, black screen never went away. Forced to exit out of the game come back in and backpack was empty and I was a bandit.
  3. bigmanshawn

    DayZ Update 1.4.23

    What is the context of the debug console Groups(x) Dead(x)? Just asking for purposes of reporting on server performance with accurate details.
  4. bigmanshawn

    [FIXED] Bandit & Humanity Issue

    I can confirm this, humanity is not regenerating and the humanity icon is full green no matter what your humanity is actually at.
  5. bigmanshawn

    Would you kill a bandit?

    Without a doubt I will shoot the bandit first. They obviously have no qualms about killing other people. If they were repentant they would be smart and stay hidden until their bandit status wears off.
  6. bigmanshawn

    DayZ Update 1.4.11

    US Server 4 is currently spawning everyone as a crow at some random point on the map. Is this related to not getting responses from the DB server or a local server issue? NM this seems to be an issue on all servers. Is there an IRC or Skype channel for Devs/Server Admins
  7. bigmanshawn

    DayZ Update 1.4.8

  8. bigmanshawn

    DayZ Update 1.4.8

    Is 1.4.8 supposed to reset characters? Went from my lovely little camp with hard earned gear to sitting on the shore with a revolver after the update.
  9. bigmanshawn

    Wish List

    There is something to be said for zombies randomly wandering off when there is no more food in the towns. Unless they have some sort of animal instinct to stay near cities, if their main motivation is to consume living flesh, they eventually would begin to spread out into the towns.
  10. bigmanshawn

    Server Standardization and Synchronization

    Looks like they have fixed the issue with time sync. I also noted something interesting in the FAQ that says that once the mod is in beta and release each server will have its own MYSQL database, which in theory should solve the majority of issues with people server hopping.
  11. bigmanshawn

    How to refill jerry cans?

    Is your jerry can say its an Empty jerry can? I think they start full.
  12. bigmanshawn

    Expansion\beta Servers?

    Um, for Dayz you should only need @DAYZ no CBA no JayArmaLib2 etc.
  13. bigmanshawn

    Debug Monitor

    I personally think there should be a key command or action option somewhere to disable the debug monitor.
  14. bigmanshawn

    Ban\Permaban for disconnect abusing reports

    Keeping people's characters online is actually a difficult challnge with ArmA. The only real method to catch a player disconnecting is the OnPlayerDisconnected event handler, but the big issue with this is that the player's object returns null 1 frame later, so there is no real reliable way to catch it and do much of anything about it as far as I know. Now Rocket may have something up his sleeve, but when I was developing a presistent system using CallExtension I ran into this issue and could find no good way around it.
  15. bigmanshawn

    Survivor Camp

    I feel like camps are a great idea and I suspect many members of the community would agree, but they need to be done right. The initial concern is obviously that players will just walk in when no one is online and screw with things or loot everything. The method I would suggest is as follows. Base Camp, some sort of object or item that can become a static re-spawn point for survivors who are members of the camp/faction. To create one of these you would need a minimum of 10 tents within a certain area and all owners to agree to the creation of a base camp. Once this is established the players may begin building fortifications around the basecamp, including things like sand bag walls, barbed wire (slows movement and causes players to bleed lightly when passing through), Watch Towers or Hides, common buildings for storage/storage items like ammo boxes and such. Creation of such things would require a lot of material gathering from around the continent, including aquiring items like ammo boxes, spools of wire, large sacks of sand to fill bags etc that are difficult to move on foot (see carying at a slow walking pace) or require vehicles to move. Additionally make it possible to make things like a gate, which can be locked if the members of the camp are able to acquire the chains/locks etc. These of course could be bypassed with very rare items like lock picks or bolt cutters (perhaps with chance to break on use). Just some thoughts, and without a doubt no Safe Zones.