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Everything posted by doviszxc

  1. doviszxc

    Songs about DayZ

  2. doviszxc


    So here's a story about 0.46. I used to hear explosions, sounds like three in a row, or just two. But today, me and my friend were at Krasnostav. I heard explosions. Coming from the castle tower. ALOT of them. We thought it was a helicrash because in a video I saw grenades didn't have a sound. So, closer we got, less we thought it's a helicrash. It was silent for a minute, then BAM, it exploded, the castle wall. It didn't break. just an explosion. Scared the crap out of me. We managed to get inside and climb to the top. I saw 2 guys, before I aimed, they saw me. We ended up killing them easily. Also another guy came from behind us, with a shotgun. Died. So... Guess how many grenades did those 2 guys have? Roughly about 120. No joke. They were extreme duplicators. Luring people, and now knowing how to fight. They had various other stuff, like LRS and ammo, but no good guns except for a blaze. There were 3 bodies in total. 1 duplicated, that was just killed and two players. In total about 20 or so boxes of grenades or 2 grenades + a medkit, which contained saline bag, 2 bandages and 2 morphine. In total me and my buddy got about 70 working pristine or worn grenades. We did have some fun, though we didn't kill anyone with them, I had some fun learning to use them and just clearing forests, killing zombies and all. Here's a couple of screenshots :
  3. doviszxc


    Personally I haven't really been playing the Standalone much due to the game breaking issues it presents as an alpha. Sometimes it's better to wait :) Right :) Good one, I missed that joke xD
  4. doviszxc

    DayZ Standalone in 2 Minutes ( A Short Film)

    It took 2:07 out of 2:00. "8/10 too much rain - IGN"
  5. doviszxc

    Charcoal from fireplace

    You understand you can't find charcoal in mountains? It's just regular coal. And you get charcoal from burned trees/wood. I think he also mentioned "tablets". And charcoal medicine has a whole different structure, it's medicine. You can't just eat burnt wood. You could get charcoal from fireplaces as fuel for your fire in the woods or house though.
  6. Hello, I want your help. I need you to tell me a good CPU, Motherboard, and maybe RAM names, I want to build a PC on the end of this summer, my budget will be around 210~ pounds. I can't get more from a summer job, and one that isn't for 16+ years old. ( I'll be 16 in 3 months ) I already have a PC, I just need to upgrade it. My current specs : GTX 650 2GB non Ti 4GB DDR2 RAM Core 2 Quad Q6600 2,4 GHZ Some sort of PSU that says "Total 550W" "Peak 650W" I did do some research about that, but it was 6months ago so I forgot. And I'm lazy now. A pretty old motherboard, doesn't support i3 - i5 and so on, thats why I need a new one. I was able to run DayZ when I first got it at the lowest settings, + some tweaking in game files. It had some good FPS in places like Cherno or Elektro, the average was about 25 I guess. I had to deal with it, in places like berezino and so on, about 30 average. I played like this for about 240 in game hours. But now it's dropped alot since the updates and new cities, average everywhere is 35, Svetloyarsk is maybe 10 average. So yeah. Even though I'm 15, I do know a lot about the pc building and so on. What I was planning to buy was a decent motherboard, i5 4670, and 8GB corsair. But it's a little ( like 40 ) above my budget, Though I might ask some relatives for money anyway. I was recommended to get i5 3570k , but I don't really need it since 4670 is pretty much same performance, and I never overclock anything, since my current PC is falling apart anyway. ( crashes and so on ) So, if you have any ideas and are not too lazy to search, please do. Thank you.
  7. doviszxc

    No more server list shown

    Hello, I wanted to ask you if right now is the server maintenance? Because I don't see any servers in both experimental and 0.44. I only see 4 servers. All locked, two testing and two clan servers, all with 0 players,
  8. Oh, you haven't seen the horror I've seen. I'll tell you this story : I run into Elektro when I spawn, get geared up. Then hear two people at the red houses where people camp. There was a fully kitted guy telling another one to put his pistol down. Long story short, the m4 guy shot him, the pistol guy ran away, the m4 guy went after me, didn't kill me after I explained to him that it;s not me who has the pistol. But for some reason, he was just spraying bullet everywhere, zombies, etc, never reloading. He got hit by a zombie and exited. I punched him till he was uncouncious, looked at his gear.... Look at his freaking magazine, that why he was spraying bullets never reloading : And every single item in his gear was pristine. He had 4 pristine protector cases, each one had 1 saline bag, 2 morphines, 2 bandages and a epi-pen, also three 300 round boxes filled with shitton of bugged ammo. (( I believe he was duping items )) But still, everything pristine, carried mosin and m4 with him, also all parts pristine. EDIT : Those numbers to the left of the magazine are the number of bullets. EDIT 2 : Everything I've got in my inventory , was picked up from him.
  9. doviszxc

    Moon clips.

    Yes please
  10. doviszxc

    <Name> killed by <Name>

  11. So, me and my buddy were playing, looting Svetloyarsk's pubs, and he got shot in the middle of the road, after he got shot theese guys said "stop" to him. Facepalm. I flanked them , fired a couple of shots, they hid inside. I came inside from the back, killed one of them who was looking trough the window. Another guy was prone in first person at one of the rooms. I somehow bugged trough the wall when equipping my weapon when standing right besides it ( SKS ), that happened after a LONG waiting game. I killed him, buddy came, looted them, went to NE Airfield, killed two more guys (( Idiots )) and we got fire incoming at us from snipers. We had a waiting game again, my buddy saw them move after no shots came, they only had SKS's with no scopes. I decided to go to the prison because we were at the ATC tower, and I did that to see trough the window and look where are they going. As I'm doing that, a guy logs on and I hear him reload. I take out my SKS, run in the room with the beds, aim at his head, he looks at me with his gasmask, **Bam**. He was the richest guy I've ever seen. 2 Long range scopes , both pristine, two 300 round boxes, 3 packs of pristine rice, two pristine full canteens, a CR-75 with 6 magazines and alot much more. So, the title could be misleading, but this guy was an instant supply package to me. We did kill the two guys with the SKS's later. The guy that logged on , might've just been a server hopper, or the sniper because we didn't hear shots, just ricocheting bullets, so he might've tried to server hop. CHEERS!
  12. doviszxc

    using pistol while on ladder

    Thats like counter strike..
  13. doviszxc

    Unconscious Heart rate timer?

    Agree with the heart sound. Not so much agree with the image of your heart beating. Great idea. :beans: :beans:
  14. doviszxc

    Vehicles that they should add.....

  15. doviszxc

    Foreign aid supply drops

    Sounds abit RUSTy. And Dean said he doens't like events like this, sorry. EDIT : But dean is leaving the team so hell knows what bohemia will do.
  16. doviszxc

    Punishing the aggressor - How far is too far?

    This is my master plan : (( Only do It do people who deserve extreme punishment, or if you wanna be a huge dickhead. )) 1. Find a guy in a middle of nowhere or city, then make him come, befriend or something, lead him to the middle of nowhere. 2. Handcuff him with pristine cuffs. 3. Shoot him in the legs. To break them. 4. Remove everything he has. 5. Leave him with 0 stuff, in a middle of nowhere. Even if he breaks out of the cuffs, he's gonna crawl like a worm.
  17. doviszxc

    Goddam you magic bullet!

    1:02 Your magic bullet in action, except it turned around in mid air and went to your backpack
  18. doviszxc

    Lockable and breakable doors and windows

    It'd be funny camping in the military buildings which have wooden walls, yes, some of them do. You hear someone unlocking the door and you just spray bullets trough the wood... (( In the future ))
  19. doviszxc

    A real problem

  20. doviszxc

    [Issue] Experimental Servers

    No idea. Same issue.
  21. doviszxc

    Far less experimental servers?

    I found only 2... One has 0/50 slots and is bugged, can't connect. Other one is 50/50, 24/7, 120-100 ping, can't connect , player overflood. Both servers UK..
  22. doviszxc

    Sticky topic link to liked threads

    WARNING - Useless comment Your profile pic is my steam profile pic...
  23. Well, as the title says it, I just met a hacker. I forgot I didn't exit the game, and just alt tabbed. Came back to a guy holding an M4 to my face. He was on the two story building in Elektro near the fire station. Chit chat for sometime, he teleported away, and told me that "You have to be fast for this". Then I obv. saw him cheating but pretended I didn't, so everywhere I went, He just speedhacked and wallhacked nearby. I finnaly had a chance to shoot him in the face with my SKS when he wasn't looking, I didn't take the shot. Then I had another one when he was holding an m4 to my face again. Shot me in the head and asked "Why didn't you shoot the zombie SWEETY" "Why didn't you run from me SWEETY". Never thought i'd meet homosexual hackers :/ Well, atleast I will never doubt taking a shot on a hacker again, or any guy that first holds an m4 to my face then let's me go. (( BTW. Not a whining, rage thread ))
  24. doviszxc

    Dayz - In real life (how would you act)

    Become a zombie EDIT : Find the nearest city/village and sneak around there, try to find myself some food or clothes, possibly even weapons, melee will do too. After some looting I'd try to find some local people or a map and head to the biggest city, loot leftovers because everything would be looted, and just camp in there. If I have a chance rob some kitted people who made a mistake not being stealthy. After I get all kitted I'd just roam from city to city, kill bandits, zombies. Maybe I'd help some people that have nothing.