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Everything posted by doviszxc

  1. doviszxc

    Idea for vehicles

    Well.......... This has been discussed. I don't think they will add the "drive by" feature. But it would be cool Scenario 1 : A car or quad bike, anything is driving past you at fast speed, 2 people shoot you trough the windows. Not a lot of people can take out a driver and 2 passengers of a car which is driving fast. Scenario 2 : You are looting a city. A car is driving by, it stops, distracting you. The windows are tinted. You shoot the at the driver seat "You Are Dead" 2 people just shot you from the back seats.
  2. doviszxc

    DayZ Attachment's for newbies.

    EDIT : Corrected a lot of the mistakes, also planning to add map of attachment locations. Do you guys need a map?
  3. doviszxc

    Ducttape + Phonebook = Body Armour

    Well, this is a good idea. But since there isn't anything that you could get stabbed with.. It could reduce damage whilst being shot or hit with an axe/crowbar/baseball bat/wrench/hacksaw. But it would break after about 2-5 hits and 2-3 shot's depending on weapon. Shotgun/sawn off would break it in 2-1 shots. It's a really good idea as I've mentioned and could be perfect armor for newspawns.
  4. doviszxc

    [Videos] Silo - Your DayZ Source

    It's all very good guides and video's. BUT. There's one very big problem people will complain when they see this. ADVERTISING YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL. Not that I have somebody wrong with it, but other people will. I like your videos and I will subscribe. Good luck making videos in the future. -Dovis
  5. doviszxc

    what your "big narritive" then in your story?

    Mine : I wake up on a sunny day, eat breakfast, get dressed. I turn on my Laptop which for some reason only turned on from the batteries power. I hear screams outside, look trough the blind's.... ...And I see... Zombies. "Nope, nope nope nope. NOPE NOPE" I close my blinds and go play with the laptop. Then I wake up "Nope" And I go back to sleep. FIN.
  6. doviszxc

    what your "big narritive" then in your story?

    A WTF again. Made sense, but still.
  7. doviszxc


    This has been discussed a lot of times. It's been said that it will be fixed when it will be fixed. Combat logging and ghosting will be fixed the next week or the next update. -Dovis
  8. doviszxc

    Non-Lethal Alternatives

    Don't click the link. Just SPAM, lead's to some sort of a program download. Russians...
  9. doviszxc

    Canopy towers for transportation inside the woods

    Could you explain what do you mean by transportation by a canopy ? O_O
  10. I was camping in a house. 2 people log in. That house was in Elektro, the one near the fire station where you can camp trough the windows. So, they log in, one has na m4 and the other one a mosin. I'm shitting myself. I only have a puny FNX45 with 2 magazines. One of them , the guy with the M4 comes to check the hallway thats behind the stairs, the guy with the mosin proceeds to camp trough the window. When the guy with the M4 comes, after 2 seconds I fire 6 shots. He didn't even take out his gun. His buddy comes 10 seconds later, aiming an FNX45. Crouched. I crouch too, peek out and fire 8 shots. Both dead. 4 minutes later one of them comes to loot his body. Warned him to get out in 5 seconds. Doesn't listen. Hides. Comes out trying to loot his body, killed him with his own mosin. The guy with the M4 didn't even have a magazine. He just had a single bullet in his gun.... And 152 more in his backpack.
  11. doviszxc

    what your "big narritive" then in your story?

    Yeah, I gave him my beans cause this is the first post that actually made me lol.
  12. doviszxc

    Non-Lethal Alternatives

    You have my beans. Imagine this : You peacefully walk towards Elektro or any other city. Then suddenly, a wild clan appears. 10 people. Every single one of the 10 people taze you or tranquilize you. OR. You walk around a city, looting, BAM, 2 people chase you and spray you with pepper spray, another guy taze's you while you run, comes up with a stungun and stuns you. Now THAT is fun. Ofcourse you'd die.
  13. doviszxc

    How to play music into dayz?

  14. doviszxc

    what your "big narritive" then in your story?

    Sorry, can't understand what the hell are you talking about. I think you should stop smoking whatever you're smoking..
  15. Uhh. Read all of the guides. This isn't one of the games you can learn everything without any help. Not like Minecraft or Terraria or 7 days to die or something. Even 7 days to die needs a lot of learning. If you wont use the map's, any guides ANY help at all. You will be doomed. I strongly suggest you to read the guides. Good luck. BUT wait there's more... If you really want to learn everything by yourself, you can do it! Butitwilltakeyouabouttwomonthstodoso. -Dovis
  16. It is absolutely TERRIBLE. Just AWFUL. You can only shoot someone from hip fire only when he is 5 METERS OR CLOSER TO YOU. Jesus. I do not reccomend anyone to shoot any guns from the hip if the target is not closer then 20 meters. Even inside building's. Nope nope nope.
  17. doviszxc

    DayZ Attachment's for newbies.

    Yeah, I hope so. I didn't write everything about the attachments because of the lack of time.
  18. doviszxc


    You will stop being sick yourself. You just need to move slowly, AKA jogging instead or running. Eat some charcoal tab's and drink some vitamins if you have those. If not I strongly suggest you to get to a hospital and find those things.
  19. doviszxc

    DayZ Attachment's for newbies.

    EDIT : Added some more Info, also changed some of it as well.
  20. doviszxc

    DayZ Attachment's for newbies.

    Alright, I'll be sure to include this in the guide right now.
  21. doviszxc

    3 Things that i think is more Urgent!

    And 2 more will be added in the next update.
  22. doviszxc

    DayZ Attachment's for newbies.

    Yes, I will update it every now and then when I get more info about the attachment's or new ones come out. Thank you :) Thanks man :)
  23. doviszxc

    In the middle of the ocean

    I don't think you can, sadly. Your only choice is to die somehow. Eat/drink something hazardous, rotten, otherwise, you will just need to stay there until you will die of dehydration or starvation, maybe there is a solution, but not one that I know of.
  24. doviszxc

    Painted Mosin Picture

    PS. I actually think that you will be able to paint more things than weapons, atleast that's what I've read somewhere.