So I get X hours/night to play. After Y days of hard-fought survivalism I arrive at Balota with some tasty gear. Time runs out for me and I have to log out. So, basically what you're saying is I can never log into a server with a low population - even if it is the same server I logged out of - if you are playing and I logged out somewhere you figure is a hopper-spot? Because your automatic assumption is that I'm server hopping and you, being such a fine, upstanding hero, will KOS me. Even though every assumption you made about me is completely wrong... Cool beans. Next time you log in and someone pops you in the head you can congratulate them on being such a fine person and killing a server-hopping bastard like yourself. Wait - what's that you say? You weren't server-hopping? You were just logging in to an area someone assumed might, possibly, maybe frequented by server-hoppers on a low-pop server... at night... heavily geared. (Excuse me while I go and laugh - a lot).