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About HauteCouture

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    On the Coast
  1. HauteCouture

    Extreme Rubberbanding is active again all the time

    well i didnt knew there was a maintenance , and when a maintenance is active , normaly the game itself is offline , wich is normal with all games... wich dayz right now is not :/ so maintenance was not the first thing that came to mind
  2. HauteCouture

    Extreme Rubberbanding is active again all the time

    well just the lagg. i was bumping into another guy , and we barely could even talk becouse he was walking trough walls and we were teleported back again all the time, the server was crashed so im playing again on my own , and i was standing at a zombie with my axe , trying to kill it , tryed it over 15 times , and suddenly my character hitted the zombie 15 times within 0.5 seconds , and than i was teleported back to the sea yet again
  3. Doesnt matter what server... its back again and its pretty much unplayeble right now
  4. HauteCouture

    Saving the progress

    This is very annoying and i encountered this several times, When i finaly have almost full gear , i suddenly get backported again , i can live with that but than upon joining a server again , i start at the beach with nothing on me again , and i just lost all of my gear can this issue please be adressed first , i can live with the bugs and errors that are existing right now , and i have been warned upon buying the game but the losing gear and fresh start at the next login just gets realy frustrating... Cheers