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About Bishop1664

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  1. Bishop1664

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I dress similarly to the hero's in the mod and make sure i get the drop on any suspected bandits, giving them a verbal challenge while keeping them in my sights. i just bumped into a player at NEAF and he didnt have any weapon drawn. i asked if he was friendly and he said he was, and didnt have any ammo. he was dressed in military gear with a gas mak, trustingly i found him an m4 and gave it to him, keeping my sights on him as he loaded it. he had many oppertunities to shoot me after this but didnt. you just have to be careful and trust people, not everyone is a murdering psychopath :p
  2. Bishop1664

    Best Character Contest.

    I'm rocking the Hero look! Thought a press vest was a better option than a tactical vest for a friendly player :)
  3. Bishop1664

    Curious about peoples 'Rules of Engagement'

    i dress as a classic dayZ mod hero and play as such. i was fired on by two punks in military gear and gas masks yesterday and i killed them both. the whole time i was on voice chat trying to get them to surrender but they wouldnt so i had no choice but to kill them (good fight by the way thanks for not combat logging :D) if i see a player nearby i will attempt to remain hidden and talk to them with direct chat to figure out if theyre friendly or not. if they do not repond and im trapped then i dont have much option but to open fire but only after all other alternatives have been exhausted first.
  4. Bishop1664

    <<<< Grass density needs to be improved. >>>>

    i played a game called Joint Operations Typoon rising where this was done as well. The grass wasnt visible but if someone was hiding in the grass you would only see the parts of their body that were sticking out at long distances. has always bugged me when games dont use this technique ever since! haha
  5. mine was when me and a friend had just spent half an hour slowly combing through NWAF, carefully watching each others backs and all was fine. we got to the last hangar and were good to go, we ran out into the open and thought we were all clear. then suddenly while standing running across the airfield towards the southern barracks we hear a voice to our right ordering us to get down on the ground.. someone had the drop on us! we both immediately hit the deck and I turn towards the voice looking for targets (they should have shot us at this point) I see nothing but a red backpack protruding from the grass about 20 m away to our right. I shout 'contact right!' and begin firing into the grass. my shots hit the target but then suddenly we start hearing more m4 rounds cracking as they whizz over our heads as his two team mates begin opening fire. my buddy starts firing back as I crawl forwards, using the body of the dead bandit as the only cover I could find (hiding behind a body seeing the bloody spattering out of it django style - EPIC) then there is a lul in the battle and we both stay lying on the deck when the bandits make their second mistake, one gets up to move position and we instantly bring him down with semi automatic fire. the 3rd then takes a knee to get a better view and begins firing at us again but he too is quickly dispatched. was such an epic fight, caught in the open 3v2 but we somehow came out unscathed, we were buzzing! its also the reason iv never used a backpack other than the hunting backpack since, due to the fact it sticks out like a sore thumb!!
  6. Bishop1664

    Item condition - at a glance

    I think it would be great if when you hit tab, and see all your items, there was a little coloured dot in the corner of each icon that allowed you to quickly see its condition without hovering the mouse over it. Ie red dot = ruined, orange = badly damaged, green = pristine etc etc. This would let you see, at a glance, what condition items were in. Would be useful when sifting through large amounts of items as well.
  7. Bishop1664

    Suggestion: Sleeping When Logged Out

    I think its a good idea but a bit extreme. I do however think your character should remain in the server for about 5 minutes after you log off. this would prevent combat logging and force you to find somewhere relatively safe to log off!
  8. Bishop1664

    Strength in numbers?

    until the game develops more it seems that lone wolfing is currently a better option. as I find its easier to go un-noticed and you pay more attention to your surroundings. teaming up with players often gives you a false sense of security and makes you more complacent, and easier to ambush. and yes you'll scare people away :p
  9. Bishop1664

    Everyone is suffocating! Gas masks issue.

    I was mainly aiming this at the original poster however there are many guilty of it in this thread ;) lol. not trying to flame though! haha
  10. Bishop1664

    Everyone is suffocating! Gas masks issue.

    Firstly, stop attention seeking for a being in the military. Secondly, not all respirators seal when a filter isn't attached, many types of 'gas masks' are easier to breath with when no filter is attached. I do think wearing facemasks should have advantages and disadvantages in game though, maybe reducing your stamina (due to the reduced oxygen) but increasing your resistance to infection or something along those lines.
  11. Bishop1664

    Clothing options

    I think it would be good that if, as well as different types of clothes, there were options for the clothes that you are wearing. For example if you right click on a shirt you can choose to have it tucked in or out, jackets done up or open. And a good one would be for head bandanas to be able to be worn as a face mask as well as on the head. For all you bandits ;) Chest holster's could also be worn around the waist for example. And maybe have ballistic helmets attached to your webbing/assault vest for when youre not in a dangerous area. Would defeinitely add more variety to the appearance of players.
  12. Bishop1664

    Favourite Clothing/Camo?

    Personally i go for Beige clothing with a tan tactical shirt. the lighter colouring blends in with all backgrounds just as effectively as Ttsko. (going off the concept of the recently introduced multi terrain pattern camouflage now used by the british armed forces) I also carry the splitting axe as the handle is a light brown (instead of the black fire axe), coupled with the mosin you have no dark colours on your character whatsoever and blend in very nicely. i used to go for a full black character cos it looked cool but as stated some of the objects arent totally black and it would also be nice to have a black ballistic helmet and maybe a black face mask of some kind. hopefully theyll introduce more colour and clothing varieties in future updates!
  13. Bishop1664

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    i personally love the dispersion in the SA. it makes firefights so much more interesting, having rounds whizzing past your head and all around you rather than getting instantly headshotted. And who's to say all these survivors are trained marksmen!? surely most of them are just random civilians who arent trained with weapons?
  14. Bishop1664

    Settling Down - Bases

    In the mod i always made stashes and tents in the ruined village of Kumryna, south of Guglovo. In a month of playing it was never discovered and people rarely venture in to look around as they assume nothing of value will be there. Was nice having a little campfire in the ruins of my ol' church :p
  15. Bishop1664

    The reason why i kill on sight now !!

    i normally play a hero in DayZ mod but the fact is there is simply too little to do in the Standalone at the moment. Once you have got all your personal gear theres no real reason to go up to people and try and be their friend. There are no camps or vehicles to work on so the only interesting thing to do is hunt other players. Until the game has more meat to it there will be alot of KOS going on so stop complaining!