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About Seasonal

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    On the Coast
  1. Seasonal

    Up to 100k desync on nearly every server!!!

    The desync is extremely bad, it took us 4 hours to get a quarter of a mile when traveling in a group, and some couldn't see each other. So anyone who plays alone, don't assume that you aren't getting lag because you don't feel it, chances are, you are lagging, but the desync is causing a void in people's placement. i.e. People are around you, but you can't see each other, I assume this is where these 'ghost server' reports are coming from, e.g.: http://imgur.com/a/zFjWF
  2. Seasonal

    Player Proximity DeSync Issue (Old Topic!)

    This is extremely detrimental to one of the pillar elements of the game, this should not be happening especially considering it's a multiplayer game. I know it's in alpha, but something like this should not go unstable. It took my friends and I 4 hours to move about half a mile, and we couldn't see each other constantly, or we'd see each other stand still and disappear.