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Everything posted by pacific_coast

  1. threads like this make me go "awww, they think it will be exciting/dynamic/playable one day..." lol
  2. pacific_coast

    Do you want working helicopters and planes in DayZ?

    considering dean hall himself encourages the player base to server hop and ghost other player for parts... NO. I don't want helicopters in dayz anymore.
  3. pacific_coast

    Feedback: Great game, will come back when...

    cya back never OP this game is not going to get "better enough" for you to enjoy it sad, but real
  4. pacific_coast

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    old article negates thread? waiting for mods to close/edit/delete this...
  5. pacific_coast

    KoS or Human Nature?

    you used to spawn with a gun, ammo, beans and a bandage. no item degradation. the beaches were kos central.
  6. zombie one shot is a bug they bypass your armor and crit sometimes it is a headshot if they hit your head
  7. pacific_coast

    FAO : Accolyte (Cheater video evidence)

    it IS known. dothraki style. it is known. the fact that you wall hacked yourself to "expose" them is what is giving me irony lols
  8. dayz had potential (back in the good ol-mod-days) to be the best mp game ever. the sa's lack of real "progression" as a sandox, and regression into an mmo-sim-deathmatch is the "fundamental flaw" for me
  9. pacific_coast

    FAO : Accolyte (Cheater video evidence)

    you wall glitched yourself to "catch" someone wall glitching. not logical. <snip>
  10. ... or just from persistent-public to public? at the point when helicopters are discussed: basically "hey we need parts from this clan (or established) server, lets hop over there and steal their parts" server hopping for base-rape ghosting is dev supported, rocket approved. or did i get that wrong... i told them we need locking mechanisms on the server doors!
  11. you're quoting his quote of my quote of dean's quote and i'm quoting you
  12. hmm. well, we still have to deal with the massive amount of hopping that will take place amongst the public hive the second vehicles are implemented private servers will be an easy mode mess where you spawn with a heli i don't think i'll ever find one/get one working with these two things established
  13. oh. that sucks. 1000+ helis no repairs self blood bag and saline coming right our way right now!
  14. this. private servers become reset-every-5-minutes or they jump from private to public or from private to private to hop for loot.
  15. lol. wait, too short. lol and lol and lol and lol and lol... but seriously no, i haven't felt bad as a "bandit" there is no such thing as a bandit in-game just kids role playing based on slang they picked up in youtube videos
  16. pacific_coast

    What's your Favorite Weapon right now?

    "there is no spork" "it is not the spork that bends, but yourself"
  17. pacific_coast

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    then what is stopping it's immediate implementation? just removing the alt-swivel from 3pp would be a huge step forward.
  18. nice. also, no where in that quote is it specified whether that is public hive only. also, he straight up encouraged server hopping for parts. server hopping as a group, against other groups/individuals. coordinated ghosting other groups/servers to hoard and hop away with their loot. quoted.
  19. pacific_coast

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    the question is: will 3pp ever see this mod's function as a permanent fixture? how many people will complain and demand it is reverted?
  20. this type of thing would require a persistent memory system serverside until we have a version of that we cant make it hold more/remember more dynamic changes to the world environment
  21. pacific_coast

    will the bow and crossbow be a primery

    IF DARYL DIES WE RIOT this is established! re: bows: quiver needs to take melee back space bow needs to be slung across the body so you can still shoulder a rifle all arrows should be retrieveable and upgradeable. i still want my steel bodkin bolt tips/arrowheads
  22. i like it but we wont see it maybe in a post-release mod wanna make it? i'm down.
  23. pacific_coast

    Dual Wielding

    sword and shield plz
  24. pacific_coast


    steam acheivements confirmed. most of them will obviously be stat achievements but some original/unique ones like mythbuster - visit green mountain high voltage - survive in elektro for 72 hours ect
  25. pacific_coast

    dead bodies should be persistent world objects

    3 types needed: rotting. decayed. skeleton.