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Everything posted by pacific_coast

  1. pacific_coast

    18 Holes of DayZ

    golf is an excuse to discuss business/network. i dont want to get to know/work with the guy who just force disenfectant to a handcuffed bambi
  2. pacific_coast

    ETA for the new patch

    except there's one or two of those games every year and i've been waiting for full SA for going on 3 years now ... and it's worse than the mod right now and in a year... IT MIGHT BE BETTER! *sigh* haterz gon hate but they gotta be logical
  3. pacific_coast

    in-game Sports

    can i get another AMEN yall
  4. pacific_coast

    in-game Sports

  5. pacific_coast

    I wish that military gear/weapons were really rare

    eg. fnx45 pistol mag = only/most likely to spawn in ATC. press vest = only/most likely to spawn in train station. m4's are everywhere, still. found one in barracks, one in jailhouse, one in school/office never found one in a piano house, but it CAN spawn there ON BETA, SPAWNS WILL BE "LOCKED DOWN" more or less. rarity becomes based on location of spawn points, not probablity of loot AT spawn point.
  6. pacific_coast

    I wish that military gear/weapons were really rare

    it's all about the drop rate. certain buildings ALWAYS SPAWN WEAPONS. what type? melee or ranged? rare or common? try dayzwiki or dayzdb to figure what spawns where and the probability. m4 in school? yep, common. m4 in piano house? prob not, rare drop there. both common places, with different drop rates.
  7. pacific_coast

    The Great Berezino Sniper War

    both my characters run a circuit around nwaf and svelto, looting. i never see anyone, i never get shot at. high/full pop always. what am i doing wrong? whould i run along the coast? HELP ME RICK YOU THINK YOU LOVE HER BUT YOU DON'T. SHANE.
  8. pacific_coast

    Futuristic Rev. 30.10.116789

  9. pacific_coast

    Machete isn't as good as I thought it would be.

    check out ACE mod and ISLAND LIFE on wiki or their sites. ACE mod was/is a realism mod for arma 2. it made the original game features look like a joke. ace not only improved sounds, textures physics and interactions but added animations and actions and status effects and made the AI so realistic it's mindblowing. in ace mod a wounded soldier can be incpacitated and dragged my a medic out of the line of fire and given triage and then carried off the battlefield while the AI troops have noticed this and have flanked your exit route. island life made arma 2 into an open world rpg. police with handcuffs and tasers and warrants and radios cars you could own/professions/police chases/robberies/gambling/gangsterism or just go fishing and sell the fish and buy a house and live normally lol. mods for dayz like origins and epoch ripped off island life and its variants and dayz SA and arma 3 both BLATANTLY incorporated ACE mod features into themselves beacuse why be creative when you can copy the ideas and work of modders
  10. pacific_coast

    ETA for the new patch

    EXP BRANCH HAS IT NOW. it should be tested on there for a week. i'd say in 5-7 dayz we'll have it. the rain system overhaul is gonna be tricky to get to stable, and i don't want it rushed.
  11. pacific_coast

    Machete isn't as good as I thought it would be.

    the engine is half arma 2 with some arma 3 and some new coding thrown in. expect what you can expect from those games. i own both and nothing in them comes close to what people want/expect out of this game. ACE mod and ISLAND LIFE mods... DAYZ might copy and improve upon them to give us something great. in my fantasy dayz: duct tape + rope + knife + jerry can + proper animations and physics = scene from reservoir dogs. reality of real dayz: NOPE
  12. pacific_coast

    I wish that military gear/weapons were really rare

    LRS was in every red brick one story a few patches/weeks ago. sometimes two in one barracks. it has been rate drop nerfed since three new weapons have been released to stable. they want us to test those now, not server hop for mosin parts.
  13. pacific_coast

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    ok free yolo kill is the same as a kill he still died and had the shame of logging patches will force connection until death in combat outside of a keybind to CTD eventually. this is a low priority to me.
  14. pacific_coast

    The Great Berezino Sniper War

    there is nothing to do with your character after it is healthy and hydrated and energized. so players... get a gun and start killing each other.
  15. backback/tent that follows you across the public hive? kinda makes "you are dead" pointless. RESPAWN AT YOUR STORAGE OR GTFO
  16. pacific_coast

    Machete isn't as good as I thought it would be.

    that would be great. i don't think the engine will ever support something as complex as that. not hating, just being real.
  17. pacific_coast

    Machete isn't as good as I thought it would be.

    it seems like all one hand weapons without a stabbing animation do the same damage.
  18. pacific_coast


    this is bugged a bit. unconscious instead of "you are dead" if you're gonna get up, it'll be in a minute or two, longer, gotta respawn.
  19. pacific_coast

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    it's what? 30 seconds after taking damage before you can log out? how is this broken?
  20. pacific_coast

    I wish that military gear/weapons were really rare

    no loot will be rare until beta. this is alpha. as in we're supposed to test the weapons, so, their everywhere.
  21. pacific_coast

    in-game Sports

  22. pacific_coast

    DayZ Blood Sports - exchange of ideas and experiences

    one pantless YOLO bandit such as myself will RUIN ANYTHING YOU TRY TO DO
  23. pacific_coast

    DayZ Blood Sports - exchange of ideas and experiences

    public hive on an eventual 100 man server? *posts "event" on dayz forums* *get's replies* *hops into appointed server and heads to the event location* *get's near event, get's shot in the face from 1500m.* *event becomes deathmatch* post a server, location and time and someone will beat you there with a better postion and kill you. are you gonna camp a spot in the middle of nowhere or run with a zerg until you get somewhere safe to play cards? just private server/hive and you cut out allllllllll of the un-event related "sandbox" ie: "kos madness" shenanigans.
  24. pacific_coast

    DayZ Blood Sports - exchange of ideas and experiences

    and the dayz mafia begins collecting it's first protection money, cause god damn, son, i wanna stick up your poker game soooo badly. better pay for protection!
  25. pacific_coast

    DayZ Blood Sports - exchange of ideas and experiences

    this is possible. on private servers. with private hives. with voip team chat coordination. with strict troll/griefing screening.