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Everything posted by pacific_coast

  1. pacific_coast

    Hacker caught teleporting

    you do REALISE there ARE hacks for DayZ? people do hack in SA? why is this even a question. unless the OP had given away his postion, he was esp'd and then teleported to. the other videos speak for themselves. hacking. deal with it.
  2. pacific_coast

    I need your help!

    why did you post this here, in a new thread no less?
  3. pacific_coast

    Animals - A discussion / I'm excited for this..

    this isn't real, or realistic this is a fake eastern european counrty full of zombies the point of this game (was) to keep your player alive and have fun. animals are great. as background sprites, to be hunted for food, ect. but when the point of this game becomes crafting, horseback riding, walking your dog and NOT about surviving in a zombie apocolypse it's not better, its accomodating to what players want and players want flying god mode unicorns and dynamic wolves hunting you down and crafting bear skin living room sets the line must be drawn here!
  4. pacific_coast

    Another idea, probably far-fetched though

    after getting raped status line in bottom left "i feel violated"
  5. pacific_coast

    Another idea, probably far-fetched though

    then hackers hackers = override consent hack ... get raped
  6. pacific_coast

    Little damage question

    it's part of the process! be strong, get better.... and kill them all kill them all.
  7. pacific_coast

    SKS or M4?

    also this mosin will, even with pu scope, nail the target at 400m. sks? not so much. more versitle for cqb with semi auto but is a placeholder weapon. i'd take blaze 95 over sks, to be frank.
  8. pacific_coast

    Little damage question

    clothing will take damage and items in clothing will take damage clothing can provent a bleeding chance when hit/shot buggy and sometimes doesnt register damage or registers too much will get better though, eventually
  9. pacific_coast

    Approximate percentage of female DayZ players

    maybe 10% or less this isn't a demo friendly game
  10. roleplay is cool as forum mod said. asking for money/service exchange is against the rules
  11. pacific_coast

    Another idea, probably far-fetched though

    but seriously adding sex makes this game un marketable in certain countries, so probably not. plus it adds the rape factor which we need to actively steer the devs away from even considering.
  12. pacific_coast

    Another idea, probably far-fetched though

    lol @ 9 month respawn
  13. pacific_coast

    SKS or M4?

    m4. m4. m4. sks has 10 round semi auto with very rare 10 round mag. m4 is full auto with 60 round mag. acog is better than pu scope.
  14. pacific_coast

    Animals - A discussion / I'm excited for this..

    the devs want upcoming features and ideas to get and keep people supporting the alpha it is kinda unrealistic the engine and the server and the client are going to support the AI, communication and pathing of: 10000 zombies 100 players a dog for each player with it's own ai and pathing a horse for each player with it's own ai and pathing packs of wolves (number unknown) bears im hunting a deer with my dog on horseback when 500 zombies ambush me and wolves leap out of the forest and start fighting a bear REALLY? that's gonna be in this game? why?
  15. pacific_coast

    Loot respawning?

    respawning loot is needed for public hive.
  16. pacific_coast

    Why are you against many military items in game?

    then ask for better civilian gear or the option to customize civilian gear to stand out less. logically, mil gear should never be removed, should be ultra rare and the overall best equipment. it shouldn't be thought of as being "needed" in order to play
  17. pacific_coast

    Best loot route(personally+map route)

    east coast? just go north to svetlo. south coast? just go west to balota.
  18. instead of pathing, animating and retexturing the 10000 or so zombies the game will eventually have... WE'RE GONNA GIVE YOU HEART ATTACKS AND DOGS AND HORSES forget cooking! you're gonna... BUILD A BASE TO KEEP YOUR DOGS AND HORSES IN! YOU GET A HORSE AND YOU GET A HORSE AND YOU GET A HORSE *rocket logs off stream and dayz community climaxes en masse*
  19. pacific_coast

    Animals - A discussion / I'm excited for this..

    this is as far as it goes regarding animals that arent specifically in game to be hunted for food. seriously. getting mauled by a bear in the woods sounds COOL getting ambushed by a pack of wolves sounds COOL but has no place in a zombie survival game breaking in horses, building a barn, crafting a saddle, crafing shoes, looking after the feeding and health of the horse... so you can ride it, be immediately spotted and shot. or are there going to be giant walled horse ranches run by breeder clans? wtf is this game turning into?
  20. pacific_coast

    Animals - A discussion / I'm excited for this..

    lol soul fire i love dayz! i have hate for how the community supports EVERY HAIRBRAINED SPITBALLED IDEA from the devs as if it's the word of god some of their "upcoming features" are stupid and unnecesary.
  21. WE KNOW THE TIME just don't have any to give keep on rocking in the FREE WORLD maybe OP can post his free advice? make a youtube series to help newbies? form a noob friendly clan to train people up? solo merc? please! if op makes a dayz merc clan/advice thread he has my beans, otherwise gtfo
  22. pacific_coast

    Animals - A discussion / I'm excited for this..

    yeah, great, good. deer. deer you can eat. bears? wolves? dogs? horses? can i haz cats and goldfish? the point of a bear or wolf in game is what? immersion? or something for the people who want to hunt and craft a "prestine bear skin armor set" this is getting silly
  23. pacific_coast

    Why are you against many military items in game?

    man you have epic posts. realistically? a war-torn then infected cherarus (lore) would be filled with bodies and EMPTY weapons. average survivor would never see mil gear or a base, it'd be overrun or looted bare. but we know the map, we know the spawn points, so we use what we know is there. game exploits be game exploits yo. guns everywhere, ammo nowhere is more realistic and solves the problem
  24. pacific_coast

    Why are you against many military items in game?

    well, play private hives, then. the public hive will always be filled with roving groups of fully maxxed bandits hopping from server to server trolling you to death with m4/cz550 rounds to the face. fire your little arrow legloas