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Everything posted by pacific_coast

  1. pacific_coast

    The rarest sh*t I ever found

    true. stab vest is the RAREST LOOTS wish i could find it pristine i'd be like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ktbhw0v186Q just balling through the streets for hours because i've won the game in terms of loots
  3. pacific_coast

    Stashing LOOT

    most of the dayz player base is doing this already, always has and always will highest-tier gear and a working helicopter is the only endgame dayz has ever had
  4. pacific_coast

    The Wishlist - Three things that need to happen

    you made a decent post OP sorry that this fourm is a 99% dismissive elitist pc master race diabetes fest
  5. pacific_coast

    Hunting- It better be damn hard

    post-release modding. i don't think that the texture of a pile of firewood will ever be lootable for firewood in the final SA, but a mod can make it so
  6. pacific_coast

    The Campaign for Iron Sight Zoom

    iron sight zoom? is it realistic? nope. zoom on scopes is realistic.
  7. pacific_coast


    not complaint just observation and response to another post
  8. pacific_coast

    Anyone else get the M4 bug?

    this kinda shit happens all the time but only on m4's
  9. pacific_coast

    Crossbow being effective

  10. pacific_coast


    so much shit is copy pasted already. so much shit is directly lifted from A3.
  11. pacific_coast

    Dean Hall encourages server hopping at egx rezzed

    this. we should NEVER have to leave our server, or force restarts. loot respawning and VARIABLE, DYNAMIC NON-RANDOM LOOT SPAWNS should take care of any item we need in game. this encourages wide-spread hoarding and server loot clearings by organized clans trying to build a fleet of working helis.
  12. pacific_coast

    Hunting- It better be damn hard

    gasoline + jerry can + pre-existing-generator-model = electricity gas tank + pre-existing-oven-model = working oven raw meat + sticks + firewood = drying rack for curing meats raw meat + fireplace + sticks = smoked meat
  13. pacific_coast

    New SMG Announced... Any guesses?

    for science
  14. pacific_coast

    Hunting- It better be damn hard

    meat, raw meat and cooked ... NEEDS TO SPOIL that talk of refrigeration better come to pass
  15. can i bring weed instead i dont drink but i blaze like a motherfucker
  16. pacific_coast

    Marlin 1894 confirmed ?

    more guns. less ammo. less pve. more pvp.
  17. pacific_coast

    Dean Hall encourages server hopping at egx rezzed

    this blew me away when i watched the stream dev supported sever hopping for rare parts
  18. pacific_coast

    Wich vehicles do you want to see in the SA?

  19. pacific_coast

    Crossbow being effective

    cross bow with acog now i've seen everything! it seems okay based on that vid... needs a longer reload and less daryl
  20. they will disappear instantly until the server can handle keeping them longer than 2 seconds
  21. pacific_coast

    Shooting while sprinting

    if you can do it in real life you should be able to do it in dayz
  22. pacific_coast

    Crossbow being effective

    the question is not how bad crossbows are its how bad will crossbows be in game
  23. pacific_coast

    Dean Hall On PvE

    nothing in game promotes pve nothing in the roadmap hints at pve features or game features that increase pve private locked servers is the only place pve can exist there is no reason/incentive to "team up against the envionment" rather than just pvp deathmatch
  24. pacific_coast

    How Long Should a Day Last? (Hardcore)

    24hrs. hardcore is the realistic mode, right?
  25. pacific_coast

    Quiz: How long would you survive an apocalypse?

    decided to skip the test and get high in my room #fuckschool #yolo