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Everything posted by pacific_coast

  1. a zombie should not be able to sprint an "infected human" like the zeds in game should not be able to go faster DEFAULT than my fulll energy/health WEAPON DRAWN FULL FOWARDS SPRINT seriously i get this is a test period for zombie speed but please don't let this continue on 28 days later sucks btw
  2. pacific_coast

    Zombie aggro

    zombies seem to detect the player when they enter their "vertical eyesight range" eg climbing up a ladder or going past a high window and a zed aggro's to you from 200m+ i can walk/run behind them and "stealth kill" due to this outdated cone vision they have i also figured the AI from the mod would not have been copy pasta into the SA dissapoints :(
  3. fully agree with this however a "zombie" doesn't sprint. a "zombie" doesn't leap. a "zombie" doesn't run and leap and attack all at once. if dayz is going to keep calling the zeds "zombies" they have some splaining to do lore wise (hidden patch notes from the orginal mod don't count)
  4. pacific_coast

    Post your Preferred Loadout

    boonie hat with ttsko jacket+pants with brown gloves and brown wellies courier bag chest holster with 1911 and of course the respirator mask thats my new jam
  5. pacific_coast

    Pistols too inaccurate as well as m4?!

    guns b hella weak yo and innacurate n sheeeit fix it devs
  6. pacific_coast

    Your thoughts on the new patch/hotfix?

    i HATE the fast zombies and i all caps so you KNOW im pissed off leaping assholes
  7. pacific_coast

    Dayz in five words or less

    every patch it gets worse!
  8. pacific_coast

    Zombies hitting and ruining your gear in one hit

    i was gonna comment on the status of this build's zeds but now: i wish they would just remove zombies from the game at this point and make it completely pvp i honestly dont expect anything really new or great coming to zombies to make them worth the trouble
  9. pacific_coast

    Check out this new type of building!

    not new hella old /from one of the first version of chernarus +
  10. pacific_coast

    Acceptable behavior? aka 'Cool story Bro' time

    to awnser your question OP yes people dupe items and gear up their friends for a quick respawn back into PVP yes they are scum yes it is ok to use the gear you have looted off a duper
  11. pacific_coast

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    techincally the player skins and the weapon ballistics are new but seriously now that i think about it zombie skins = same but slighlty updated zombie ai = same but slighlty updated zombie gltiching = same but worse zombie ghosting = even worse than the mod world textures = same but slightly updated vehicles = ported from arma 3 item textures = mostly ported from arma 3 weapon textures = mostly ported from arma 3 animations = mostly same but updated upcoming physics = being copied from arma 3 hunting = virtually the same as the mod but simpler a lot of stuff WILL be original content, but right now not so much
  12. pacific_coast

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    i just posted randomly hardcore is my preference also in regular i just give less fucks for some reason as if it was easy mode and i dont have to make an effort
  13. pacific_coast

    Dayz in five words or less

    zombies that sprint and leap and forcefeeding introduced first = sales gimmick
  14. pacific_coast

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    dev told me it was arma 2.5 engine with some RV4 thrown in said it wasn't a "direct" port, but still a port chernarus plus and textures from A3 = virtuatlly the only new things non-framework/server side keeping it real often goes wrong /incomingflames
  15. pacific_coast

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    agree and also truth i have friends that will only and i mean ONLY play 3pp because 1pp is too disorienting or "hard" to keep situational awareness in. aka some of them are scrubnubs
  16. pacific_coast

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    i'd say beta is the price hike time right now it could use a 10% off sale to boost before hunting and vehicles are concretely implemented hehe
  17. pacific_coast

    Dayz in five words or less

    you know you need me
  18. we will never see a 50+ zombie herd
  19. pacific_coast

    Keeping it dapper in the countryside

    sr8 ballin in dayz props props
  20. pacific_coast

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    dont play 3pp servers bro, done
  21. pacific_coast

    Dayz in five words or less

    hey im friendly now die bambi give me your pants broken mod port going nowhere alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha
  22. pacific_coast

    Your thoughts on the new patch/hotfix?

    yeah u fucked up on that one bro
  23. pacific_coast

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    yes, it is a trash port no where near playable
  24. pacific_coast

    Where are all the scopes?

    where where where havent seen one in 3 patches
  25. pacific_coast

    Your thoughts on the new patch/hotfix?

    every zombie knows kung fu leaping tiger fist attack with 5m aoe blast damage