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Everything posted by pacific_coast

  1. pacific_coast

    Is there a way to practice shooting?

    firstly, watch some aiming tutorials for A2 and A3 on yt. recommending dyslexi "don't imagine the bullet hitting the target, imagine the target hitting the bullet" aim for where you think the bullet will end up, not where it's supposed to go a good rule is a bit above where you want aim, every 100m away from the target you are eg: target is 300m away and i want a headshot? aim three "half heads" above the targets' head. it varies, but basically... bullet drop.
  2. pacific_coast

    What has the standalone become ?

    also "i've never seen a hacker" means "i play low pop/ run with clanners/don't know what hacking looks like/i'm lying"
  3. pacific_coast

    What has the standalone become ?

    hmm they fucked up the SA by not making the proper artistic decisions and copping out: - 3pp is still in and isn't going away - everything so far is a re-texture or a direct port of other matieral - the "new custom engine" is arma 2 engine with code "borrowed" from the arma 3 engine - fast zombies and cone fire - adding kitten stuff like super base building, farm-crafting, companion pets and RP wardrobe collections
  4. so far the cherarus survivor radio has played what is love gangnam style and now... external speakers next to standing microphone, double monitored with a soundboard SUCH FUN/I MISS DOING THIS
  5. pacific_coast

    Dat desync

    yeah it's back but don't call it a comeback it never left
  6. pacific_coast

    Trading Post

    damaged LRS on hardcore for trade I'd drop it but i'm a hoarder in game
  7. pacific_coast

    Finally had a good day of gunfights

    berezino: the place we go to after NEAF to shoot less geared player also berezino: because we spawned near here and there is a police station here now
  8. pacific_coast

    What is "Fully Geared" to you?

    everything pristine everything rare+valuable+essential maximum total inventory space
  9. pacific_coast

    Overall opinions on the SA so far?

    "overall shite and less fun than the mod, but worth my 30$, and i currently have no higher expectations based on what i've seen"
  10. pacific_coast

    Do bandits really exist on DayZ Standalone?

    haven't been properly held up once. it's not robbery if you we're going to kill me anyways.
  11. pacific_coast

    thermal scope

    enemy is too far away to render? USE THE THERMAL SCOPE it's nighttime and you camping a town sniping 4 da lolz? USE THE THERMAL SCOPE are you prone on one end of NWAF runway? can't aim? don't worry little scrub, USE THE THERMAL SCOPE every item can be duplicated/spawned, EASILY there is nothing to suggest this will ever be fixed adding the most OP scrub weapon of the mod to the SA is going to be bad, for everyone. scrubs wont learn how to shoot, since their weapon is zeroed to 800m DEFAULT scrubs wont learn how to aim, since their weapon scope SEES THROUGH EVERYTHING FOR 2000M played the mod and sniper missions on ace from A2... trust me: YOU DONT WANT THIS forget utlra-rare, one person who knows how to dupe items gets one, and EVERYONE HAS IT it is the AIDS of dayz
  12. pacific_coast

    What the hell is going on?

    oh yeah lol this happened to me eariler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNmMZIjNEno&feature=youtu.be my thread: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/182261-um-i-think-i-broke-the-latest-update/
  13. pacific_coast

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    i've gone to the mountain before. once alone now it is with me it's time i go again...
  14. pacific_coast

    How often do you sever hop?

    server hopping is better now with the timer, but don't building hop, people. that's how i kill most of you. i'm outside and can hear you log in!
  15. pacific_coast

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    for those of you who don't know: this concludes the green mountain portion of our tour, please look to your up and to left and you will see the dazzling city of Zelenogorsk!
  16. pacific_coast

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    if the game switches to 1pp/FPV ONLY on release: a bunch of players who liked 3pp/regular have to play 1pp/hardcore, or stop playing the SA, or go back to the mod. this is not a bad thing. then the game is experienced in it's true form for all, and those who can't deal with it/don't like it can play a different game. didn't the lead developer of this game say first person is better, more immersive and ultimately the better experience? didn't he also say that 3pp is only still in the SA because BI is afraid it will hurt further sales and be "unappealing to the majority of current players"? please don't cop out to the scrubby unwashed masses of teenagers playing this. some of us are grown and can appreciate bold artistic commitment. we're the people who support, test and viral market this game. listen to us, not them!
  17. i patched the 170.7mb patch for exp a few minutes ago, and this is what i have to share: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNmMZIjNEno&feature=youtu.be that was the weirdest shit of all time, personally.
  18. pacific_coast

    Um... I think I broke the latest update.

    why i decided to handcuff myself i'll never know i think that one zed killed herself out of embarrassment for me
  19. pacific_coast

    Um... I think I broke the latest update.

    my reaction at first was basically oh yeah.
  20. pacific_coast

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    please end this thread also this idea is stupid "heroes vs bandits" go make that game and leave dayz alone
  21. pacific_coast

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    3pp always boils down to this: "I am afraid not to have as much observation, situational awareness and control over my surroundings as possible, so I will exploit the camera to feel safer. This is justified because everyone else is doing it, or has the chance to do it." this stabs the dayz right in the meta hole. please, devs. have balls. remove 3pp completely. we will only lose the cowards.
  22. tell me what you find squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *it's patching it's patching!*
  23. pacific_coast

    New attachments?

    someone loves the b95....
  24. pacific_coast

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    not if we have to make them that would be awesome leaves, man, leaves.