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Everything posted by pacific_coast

  1. pacific_coast

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    this may explain how i can hear people's open comm chatter as if they were right next to me, even though i am in the middle of a field. somebody forgot their walkie was on, and so did i.
  2. pacific_coast

    1 to 1 mouse not a goal, and I'm excited

    yeah, just watched the stream. glad he said he is straight-up copying skyrim's approach to both bows and crossbows and hunting. the "dexterity" system is a realism-type aspect that i HOPED dayz would utilize. we may end up with a hardcore that is almost as realistic as ACE mod. that restores my faith in this game... a little bit.
  3. dude, i'm taking this half as far as the game will, or the players demand. why cant i feed my dog? my dog is sick! someone force fed my dog disinfectant spray! omg, someone just kos'd my dog! we need dog body armor! i need more dog related loot! i want leashes in new colors! i want a dog whistle so i can call my dog to me! i want my dog to fight other wildlife! i want to be able to bandage my dog! i want my dog to bark at someone nearby! ect ect ect ect ect forever. dayz: the dog park sim (featuring zombies!)
  4. pacific_coast

    One Thing Needs To Be Addressed [ROADMAP]

    long term long term even if the game is trash on release, and all this time has been for nothing, at least i tried to warn them
  5. pacific_coast

    Mosin VS M4

    imagine if the PU was the only scope for the mosin? everyone would use the sks instead. without the long range scope, even mosin diehards will side with m4 m4 is overall the better weapon
  6. pacific_coast

    The strongest zombie ever

    i've met flying zeds who have mastered the tiger fist attack. you've seen nothing.
  7. this is such a waste of resources, for such little pay off. i have a dog. a german shephard/border collie IRL don't need one in game i love animals but i will kill and eat your dogs and horses on sight it's the principle of the thing
  8. with every update to the roadmap, this game becomes more and more like an mmo. i think this is on purpose, and nothing can change it now. this will be the last "created by dean hall" game i ever pay for.
  9. sigh. "companion pets" /wrists
  10. pacific_coast

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    i have a walkie. i figured since it's just inventory and can't be held it doesn't work yet. if i have it on to a frequency... does that mean i hear the open comm mic talk of other players with the same channel open? this has never been properly explained or incentive given to use these
  11. pacific_coast

    One Thing Needs To Be Addressed [ROADMAP]

    the public hive has always been a terrible idea, however "location-based" server hopping will make the private hive the only option. like OP said, there is nothing to stop someone from hopping into your base, even if it has been "barricaded"
  12. pacific_coast

    Minor topic...But needs to be discussed

    but but this is is highly modded RV2/4 engine!!! they can't do it? what in the actual fuck? it is a simple animation/texture change...
  13. pacific_coast

    player characters are too fat for an apocalipse

    skinny over time
  14. pacific_coast

    1911 Dispersion?

    magnum = best fnx45 = second cz75/amphibia s = third 1911 = fourth
  15. pacific_coast

    Proper Forest!

    "alpha to coverage - all trees + grass" there ya go.
  16. pacific_coast

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    3pp mode is for when i lose session and have a login timer on HardCore and am waiting for the cooldown
  17. pacific_coast

    What has the standalone become ?

    hacks are real been killed by hacks had a hacker show off his SA hacks to me in elektro stole his duped/hacked gun when he dropped it worked just fine for me also google some SA hacks videos also, try playing near the end of a banwave, not the start and on high pop servers mmmkay, you'll meet em in droves
  18. pacific_coast

    Do you read notes in game?

    lol elektro: guns guns guns ammo guns pristine m4 LRS mosin ttsko outfit dallas mask ...beans.
  19. my lols is not enough here have this extra one:
  20. pacific_coast

    Minor topic...But needs to be discussed

    there has to be a "put hands up, grab hood and raise it" animation small, simple animation. you see someone put their hood up in the corner of your eye...
  21. pacific_coast

    Bug's in the latest release

    is the "handcuffing yourself when you apply a bandage/rags" bug been made aware to the dev team? multiple confirmations, especially on regular, also i have video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNmMZIjNEno this video also contains the "super flying zombie that kills itself" bug and there is the "zombie headshots you" melee bug reported the other day (edit: video says 4.2.x but i know it was 4.2.xxx315 aka the latest exp 170.7mb patch)
  22. pacific_coast

    Do you read notes in game?

    there is always a note on my body that reads: "I guess I was right about you."
  23. pacific_coast

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    i for one welcome our new 3pp coward overlords please, make hardcore 3pp it's better right? right? ... ? someone make the case that 3pp is anything but an environmental comfort blanket.
  24. pacific_coast

    Minor topic...But needs to be discussed

    a simple right click option to "raise hood" for hoodies and raincoats would be simple and cool/immersive. new animations and textures are required so i don't think we'll see it. as in ever. this would be a great post-release as part of a clothing mod though. (i just want the game to release fully moddable so WE can get it right)
  25. pacific_coast

    A better Cripple system

    limping. sprained ankles, broken wrists. slings and splints. crutches. healing over time. casts. setting bones. walking sticks. i can go on all night...