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About y0Mike

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  1. y0Mike

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Nice, filled my blaze up with ammo a while ago, never even shot it once, logged in today, got shot at, finally saw the opportunity to kill the guy and dayz decided to take all the ammo away from my gun and i ended up dieing like a dumbass. you guys havn't fixed half of this game even with your 30 million dollars, instead you add shitty cars which no one can use because you decide to add a bunch of parts you can barely even find, unless you're willing to spend 10 hours running around the whole map. oh and please come at me with that early access bullshit.
  2. y0Mike

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I just got one hit killed by a zombie? the fuck? I had full gear too, but broken legs so i was crawling everywhere, but still.
  3. y0Mike

    Still seeing Old UI/Menu

    i just tried going back to dayz for today, and i still have the old menus too. + i cant see any servers....
  4. y0Mike

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

  5. are they ever going to add anything to reduce KOS, I know it sounds stupid but meh