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Radeon (DayZ)

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About Radeon (DayZ)

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  1. Radeon (DayZ)

    The players of DayZ Ruin the game

    you couldn't be more wrong regardless of the SA or Mod version.. KOS is a downward spiral.. more and more ppl are doing it because some1 else is doing it to them.. regardless.. Complaining about KOS is never insignificant to the number of players who bring up the issue. the guys creating SA are actually trying to change it by making it more interactive and responsive with players hint handcuffs and more zombies.. i remember joining a local server who had 15 guys on it who were all bandits and calibrating on teamspeak killing every1 who joined the server they were camping at spawn points and had vehicles and a chopper.. when myself and another guy managed to pick off a few they immediately resulted to hacks lol.. this is the mentality of KOS players when things dong go their way. anyways like i said since the mod came out soon as the zombies are the number 1 threat and not an irritation there will be more player calibration and interaction..
  2. Radeon (DayZ)

    KoS ? Lol wut?

    lol but yet u felt compelled to create a thread about ppl who do complain about kos u said it urself u see half a million threads cause ppl get KOS. now because u don't have that problem still doesn't excuse half the million who do.. a bit naive don't u think?
  3. Radeon (DayZ)

    The players of DayZ Ruin the game

    wow some of these fanboy retard responses truly indicate their personality of how they play this game…. i love this game and the mod since it came out, but some of these dickhead responses make me feel ashamed to be apart of this game and community. nothing constructive just pure utter hatred cause someone has an opinion they don't agree with of how the game is played. "thanks for the $30 now piss off" really? could u be anymore of a 12year old grow up. yes banditry is part of the game and yes to a degree it offers that adrenaline rush knowing whose not around and who is. but lets face it tons of ppl complaining about KOS is an issue and it has to be addressed for the survival of this game. cause this was a massive problem for the mod. the mod grew quickly at an incredible rate but immediately died at an incredible rate.. i used to see 10 servers hosted by local ISP all packed with players waiting in line to get a spot.. but cause of the mentality of players and KOS'ing ppl immediately stopped playing and went and played other mods.. now i can't find a single server for the mod thats full or occupied (this was before arma3 came out).. a lot of the fanboys here actually don't grasp the concept of this game and what its number one selling point that lures new players.. its a post apocalyptic "zombie horror game" thats the lure thats the excitement! ppl play this game or buy this game for that number one purpose to try and survive a horde of raging zombies trying to kill them with an slight added pvp deathmatch scenario. ppl wanna lone it up and join groups to partake in mostly killing zombies with side missions they didn't buy this game to deathmatch with a themed zombie atmosphere… this isn't carmageddon 2. you forget the more ppl who complain about KOS will eventually reflect in sales and popularity therefor rendering us from getting DAYZ 2 in the future to come.
  4. Radeon (DayZ)

    Fix for AMD FX-8350?

    i had an 8350 and sold it and bought the i7 3770k for arma2 and dayz and many others.. sadly 8350 was absolutely crap for this game specially it being poorly optimised or should i say unoptimised…. when i had the i7 3770k i was nailing 50 tp 60fps in the cities and 120 to 130 in the forest mind you u i did also have a gtx 780 oc edition...
  5. Radeon (DayZ)

    People Start Cheating

    bawahaha no wonder… can't aim for shit. useless cheater..
  6. Radeon (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    oh awesome bro ur a legend thanks for getting back to me! :)
  7. Radeon (DayZ)

    Why it isn't in the game?

    i know right!!! love it! fav gun and the SVD
  8. Radeon (DayZ)

    Why it isn't in the game?

    can't wait for the AK and the different optic attachments! gonna be my new fav weapon.
  9. Radeon (DayZ)

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    only modding i approve of in the SA is map making… u want extensive mod changes go play arma 2 or arma 3
  10. Radeon (DayZ)

    Lets talk about the community

    lets face it until zombies truly pay a threatening role instead of an irritation this game will always be a themed deathmatch... once the themed threat is an actual threat and added some side missions like rescuing a group of survivors from a horde of zombies, or a small town being overwhelmed by zeds or a small military camp needing medical supplies and being over populated with zeds.. without an end goal with an objective, other the the basic principles of surviving from bandits this is a deathmatch game with u being the tamagotchi..
  11. Radeon (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    I owned an FX8350 for when Arma 3 came out and sadly my i5 750 performed better then it when it came to being in the cities by 5fps in arma 2 and dayz mod.. If you could i would recommend you to avoid using the 8350 if u wanna strictly upgrade for arma 2, 3 and DAYZ SA. unless rocket and the boys optimise the game which bohemia failed to do with all their other titles..
  12. Radeon (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    hey guys i am equipping myself with a new rig as i am rigless at the moment due to moving and a new job.. but this is what i am getting… how would DAYZ SA manage? i know DAYZ SA isn't optimised and still in alpha stage but its still nice to gauge… i had the exact same rig 5 months back just with a gtx 780 for arma 2 and it performed far better then i had expected.. i7 3770k to 4.4ghz - over-clocked ssd 128 gig corsair gs R9-290x - strictly because of mantle and new tech and its cheaper then a gtx 780 in my country 8ghz corsair vengeance pro 2133mhz ram windows 8.1 - over windows 7 vomit..