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About Drontal

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  1. It seems that I cannot join any server atm. I keep getting "Something went wrong" -message. Is it server or hive issue? edit: everything seems to be working again
  2. Drontal

    Build Rolling Update

    New features are nice and all but as long as current hacking/scripting issues continue to ruin game for legit players nothing that you put into game makes almost no difference. I'd love to play more but theres really no point in it atm.
  3. Drontal

    How well geared are you?

    Situation after looting a camp site. Backpack was filled with med supplies, 2xDew, 3xNVG and 2x GPS. After 1.7.2 L85 was gone and on next server join I was teleported to the ocean and lost rest of the stuff.
  4. Drontal

    Crows fly in the general area of bandits

    I would like to see crows circling dead player bodies. Elektro and Cherno would look stunning and it would always be dark in there.
  5. Drontal

    Uneven loot distribution

    Map is also littered with wrecks of military vehicles and convoys. It would be awesome to see some loot spawn in these vehicles. Maybe a low/very low chance of mid-tier stuff (ammo, rations, equipment) but mostly nothing or just junk. Chance of finding something should still be high enough to make every wreck worth checking even though in most cases you find nothing. Also locations of wrecks could be randomized in every restart?
  6. Drontal

    Loot blockers/Griefers

    I wouldnt mind the sandbags, tank traps or barbwires if they could NOT be deployed inside walls in such way that they cannot be undeployed and if they would actually stop or even slow down zombies.
  7. So is this labeled r37 or r38 in the Six Updater?
  8. We act like jerks if and when we come across loot tents. We take what need and want, clean the tents of stuff and dump it into the ground and leave it there to despawn. After this we stockpile the tents full of wood before leaving. Kinda shame that you cannot leave a note or anything to the poor tent owner :(
  9. Drontal

    Bizon SD & Ghillie @ Heli Crash

    Weird, I've been switching my outfit like Lady Gaga but never have ended up in the sea and/or lost my backpack during the process. Should I consider myself lucky?
  10. Drontal

    Player deaths

    I have suggested this earlier but I'm not sure if my post wast deleted among other messages and threads last week. So, here's my suggestion for study body feature: it would be awesome if it would also tell you for how long the body has been there. Info could be something like this: "Body is still warm" -> death occurred no more than few minutes ago, player/zombie threat imminent. "Body is cooling down" -> death occurred a while ago (5-15mins), player/zombie threat heightened. "Body is cold" -> death occurred more than 20 minutes ago, player/zombie threat not imminent. If you found a body that was still warm and was gunned down by bandit or survivor I am sure it would keep players on their toes and add tension to those moments.
  11. Ask devs to reset your character or wait till you start to bleed from thirst which will eventually finish you off. Shouldn't be more than couple of days :/
  12. Drontal

    What Do I Need?

    Are there any ingame screens available with and without PMC to compare?
  13. Drontal

    Stuck on hour glass. *picture*

    Did a bit more testing and the knockout-timer indeed moves, altough super slowly. I waited in game about 1½h and the hourglass progressed maybe like few percents. At that rate the waiting time is something like, umm 10-20 hours? And of course every time I leave or get dropped from server or server crashes the timer resets. I'm in some weird limbo and cannot play unless character gets reset or I wait couple days in game for the timer to run down. I sent mail to devs and they kindly did something, but unfortunately that did not seem to work :(