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About Rucki

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  1. Guys, i was searching months for a good Namalsk Server without any Epoch or Overwatch Mods and I finally found it. [DE/CH] playZ Dayz Namalsk I just tried it 2H and it is really tough, there is not much food and drinks to find, weapons are very very rare, even in barracks, though i found an M14 and G36sD after a long time playing. But in my first try i died because of starving :=) For me that is exactly how Dayz should be, hard and not forgiving. Im sure with more players on the Server i wouldnt have had a M14. It looks like there are no Bloodsuckers, but that special namalsk weather effect is there, so you should go in buildings if you hear it. Cold and Warm Cloth, everything is there. I couldnt find any Sniper Weapons in 2 Hours, but there could be some. Cars are like 1 in every military base, but all are destroyed, so have to find engine parts and tires ( findable ) If I could not convince you, maybe FrankieOnPC can: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQWvv-Yx4aE So i hope this evening CET we will have some population on the server ;) ( Its not my Server, i even dont know the Admins, just searched such an long time for an Namalsk Server without Epoch or Overwatch EasyPeesy Mode) Ps. Would be so nice to have Namalsk on the Standalone....
  2. Rucki

    Namalsk and Mods

    Yes ok, Wow. And ? Is it better, than what we had in the Original Dayz ? They really had to do it ? I dont believe because i saw enough video about 1 year ago where some modders simply ported the Cars from Arma 2 and even from Arma 3 to Dayz SA And the driving mechanism is further on very simple, nothing special.
  3. Rucki

    Namalsk and Mods

    Really, i would love to play the game like it is, but on Namalsk Map, i even would give extra money for that. I saw a Screenshot from the devs playing on namalsk here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/221751-status-report-3-mar-15/ So im asking myselfe, why isnt it possible to release that map for us ? It does not must be perfect, just enough to play. I just dont get the point. It is like with that car VS3, we waited a half century to get that released, because devs stated it must be perfect, and now when we have it, its just an normal car, nothing better like the cars from Arma2, nothing special. I would be better to have 10 different cars, like we had in Arma2 than 1 VS3 which tooked mega long time to develope. Just give this game free for modding, whom will you hurt if you do it ?
  4. But surviving dozens hits from pistol or rifle is ok ? Yeah its enough to take some rags and we can survive, only refilling blood with healthy status through eating and drinking. If you think on realism, then everyone should die shortly after get hit once from an 9mm bullet. I doubt that the survival chance would be higher than 5% in an DayZ RL situation.
  5. That goes exactly the way i thought :) But how it looks, unfortunately the amputation idea is not so popular.
  6. Like i wrote, i didnt cared too much for reality, more thought on ideas to improve gameplay and wouldnt it be fun for all the bandits out there to cut off a limb ? Even when i would be got as an victim, i would more like to see something like an amputation than an simply robbery with getting shot after. I didnt thought exactly on an special illness, where it would be usefull to amputate and i definitely did not thought on zombie infection. But if it is so important, may it be f.e Gangrene illness: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gangrene I dont have a really good acknowledgement in medicine, but didnt the doctors in american civil war amputated very many soldiers ? And many of this soldiers survived. Amputation is knowing since 15.Century according to german wikipedia. Pictures from 18th. Century: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amputation#mediaviewer/File:Amputations_18c.jpg http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amputation#mediaviewer/File:Amputationswerkzeug.jpg So what do you would do, in an dayz zombie situation and your friend would got heavy gangrene ? But thumbs up for your diseases thread, you got my beans :)
  7. So i got some ideas, how to improve the gameplay. I thought more on gameplay issues, than on pure realism 1.) Amputations The ability to amputate an arm or leg from surrendered survivors with f.e. an machete. The one who initiate the amputition needs only a machete or saw for this, but the poor survivor or an 3rd player will have to to heal the wounds with rags, alcohol and maybe an machete which was heated in fire ( to close the wound ) Without closing the wounds, the survivor will die fast in time, cause of heavy blood loss. If the Machete or Saw which was used for amputition, was not heated before the "operation", the patient, may got infectet with sickness. Taking 1 arm = Loosing ability to take rifles and 2 arms weapons like axe in hand But you can use Pistols and Machetes f.e. Longer Reloading Time Taking 2 arms = Loosing ability to take anything in arms, but you may live, with friends force feeding you. Taking 1 leg = Without an supporting Item, You can only crawl.With supported Items, you can go normally, but not run. ( Supported Items = Wooden Stick, or other long items like the shovel, maybe we can get an new crafting recipe for an wooden leg ) Taking 2 legs = Crawl only So we have already cannibalism in game, so i dont think this would be too brutal. Taking 1 leg or arm, may be good for curing instantly an infection, so it would not only be an option for bandits. You have to decide to let your actual survivor live further and asking an friend for amputation, or to die on infection without medicine. Shortform: Amputator needs -Sharp Item like Machete, Saw -Without heating this items in an fire, the victim will get an infection after the operation -Will instantly cure the victim from all infections, never mind what you take. Patient needs. -Rags for stoping bleeding -Heated Item like Machete, Axe to close the wound -Without closing the wound, after an short time the wound will start bleeding again -When got leg taken, an supporting item for going may be usefull 2.) Medicine and Illness System We really need something new to give the game more deep and to stop KOS. Not to stop KOSíng at all, because i find it legit for everyone who whants to play like that, to do it, but it would be nice to have an second option, something usefull to not kill somebody, so i thought about medicine as an ingame currency, because medicine should be the most important thing in an apocalypse scenario. You would think twice about kosing someone or asking him to trade with you, exchanging some medicine or maybe selling him a little bit from you medicine to get his shotgun or axe. If medicine would be important enough ingame, than it might be possible. So we need more illnesses like: Headaches = Reduced max view distance ( gotten from running around too long with "thirsty status" ) Pain = shaking effects + the player will have to sit for an moment ( gotten from shots or melee wounds, amputations ) Catching a Cold = You will get faster cold and needs more often an warm place, like fire. You will make noises. Maybe slower running and will need more food and water. (Getting a cold from running around to long without warm clothes in winter months + to bath in lake or sea ) And last but not least : Heavy stomach trouble = loosing your eating and drinking status all 10 minutes through vomitation ( eating bad things. Meat without heating it f.e. ) Possible medicines: Paracetamol for Headaches and Pain Cough Syrup for Cold-Illness Antibiotics for Heavy Stomache Trouble All Medicine should be rare. So, what do you think about my ideas ?
  8. Tell me IP and Server Name and i might be joining, could be fun :)
  9. Rucki

    It´s December

    So, .51. is out, tested a little bit and it doesn´t look like it would be colder, aint less food or drinks, but at least not every item is pristine. Does someone knows an Mod Server with heavy survival settings ?
  10. Rucki

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Did they changed something to the anticheat software and duping mechanics ?
  11. Rucki

    How did this not kill this player?

    Well you are absolutely right with youre argument, but the items are duped definetively and the explosions.... in my experience ( an i played a lot .50) its not an normal situation.
  12. Rucki

    How did this not kill this player?

    If you watch my video, in the end you can see, that i got hit only once from an shotgun in the back, just like Steen (OP) shot at this guy 2 times. BUT its killed me instantly. I think that the cheaters have somee hacks to kill you with first hit, never mind where exactly they hit you. Every time i died f.e. in an room, where i was alone, i heard an explosion and 2 minutes later my legs are broken and 1 sec later im dead.
  13. Rucki

    How did this not kill this player?

    Here is my video, where i probably got killed from an duper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QZFKapRocg
  14. Rucki

    How did this not kill this player?

    For me it looks like an cheater. He got just too much damage from you through the first 2 hits, we can even see how he got hit from several shotgun bullets. Well and i dont believe on desync in this situation, you were directly behind him and standing still for some seconds. I think the only reason why he actually run away from you, was that he expected the shots from the front of him, maybe playing without sound or he was simply an noobish cheater, when he turned around he killed you with the first mosin shots in youre legs. Well, i cant guarantee it to you, maybe you had really, really, really, bad luck with desync, but i think it was just an cheater. I by myselfe am loading up an movie at this time, where i got killed by an duping cheater. .50 is not playable at the moment, wondering where do all the cheaters get they hacks, we have so damned much hackers right now, it must be super easy to cheat and hack.
  15. Rucki

    It´s December

    Yeah, weather effects like snow would be really cool, but for now i would be very lucky, if the devs would make the game harder with the things and mechanics which we already have ingame. And it isnt so hard or need much time, because the devs already changed it a few times. So ROCKET give us HARSH Environment in next stable Build ! kk ?