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About [email protected]

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  1. Hi. After setting server to Overpoch I can't join the server, but I see that there are players on the server. I have Epoch and Overwatch installed with arma beta 122555
  2. Hey Its normal that there is no texture for M79?
  3. krovn? Maybe you can add pictures of custom locations in this topic?
  4. As I know there is no items like wire or rope in dayz... Using wire fencing isnt realistic ))
  5. I dont think that playing on official servers is a good idea... Iam not playing on official servers at all. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/163770-lv-2-dayz-chernarus-server/ Take a look at this... This is a very nice server... and Iam trying to get more people there. Admins are great. Server isnt lagging... the only problem-popularity but Iam trying to help admins to solve this. P.S. Sorry for my bad English
  6. Hi! Can you please add Fishing Pole to the Crafting list? Anyway thanks for really nice server! Admins keep it up! P.S. Sorry for my bad English.