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Everything posted by pipe546

  1. pipe546

    Debug Monitor

    I know about it Zeke but i saw a video a few weeks ago that showed a guy with "Audibility" and "Visibility" on Debog Monitor
  2. pipe546

    Debug Monitor

    There is anyway to display the Noise and Vision on Debug Monitor?
  3. pipe546

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Rocket, please take a time to read. I know you f**k yourself a lot of times because the game engine can't give you what you need. BTW, me and a thounsd more ppl can help with donations and will buy a standalone game, i know its not easy and ask is the easist thing to do, but reconsider it, i'll be the first to donate if needed and i think with a nice chat boemia will help you 100% if you need.
  4. pipe546

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Rocket, thanks for all the work you put yourself for give this awesome mod for us :D really thanks ----EDIT---- Btw, Rocket can you fix the bug that sometimes when u press right buton for a zoom the fps decrease significantly?
  5. And maybe when you kill someone in a headshot the gear dosen't injury.
  6. pipe546

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Please rocket release it for us today for play and test this weekend if we found any bug we're gonna informe you :D
  7. You sir deserve a medal it's a great idea ! but without intelligent zombies.
  8. YES But what we really need ATM before do it is apply the 1.7.1 patch and try to add a few melee weapons and punchs and kicks, my idea is to begin with a Wood or anything like that to hit zombies and maybe make them down to the ground like crouching for a few seconds