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About JoeMonkey

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JoeMonkey

    Up to 100k desync on nearly every server!!!

    Not to be too much of a smartass, but make sure you don't have any sort of torrent program running....or anyone on your network. Game was unplayable last night for about 30-40 minutes until I realized I had left BitTorrent running on the wife's laptop. Was bouncing from 1500-20000 desync until I closed it, then went back to normal. I guess that theory can apply to making sure there aren't any heavy internet programs/tasks going on in your network. Also the wipe bug you mentioned secondary is fairly common, I look at it as a way to punish server hoppers, because that is normally when it happens. Only fix I've found for that is to rejoin the last server you were on that you had your gear on, but if you are server hopping that can be problematic to figure out.
  2. JoeMonkey

    Suddenly stopping and unable to do anything.

    What the OP is talking about isn't rubberbanding. What happens is when you are running, all of a sudden you stop and start spinning in a slow circle. I've had this a few times and generally comes only after I die and use the respawn button. Only fix I've come across is what you say - alt+f4. Only preventative measure you can take is when you die, relog the server instead of using the respawn button.
  3. JoeMonkey

    DayZ not working in-game.

    My quote from another thread... Assuming there is an imaginary number of things allowed in your inventory until the game gets pissed off and tells you to go fuck yourself, so assuming not just backpacks, but the yellow cases, ammo boxes, first aid kits.
  4. JoeMonkey

    SOMEONE kill me - stuck in rocks at Shipwreck

    Got stuck in a wall a couple of times. Face whatever side of the rocks that look the thinnest/way you probably lagged through. Get as close to that wall as you can, push your V or whatever your vault key is bound to a couple of times, and as you do this try and exit the server as quickly as you can while it is doing the animation. Takes a bit of practice, but I am a pro at unstucking myself from walls now lol
  5. Try decreasing the resolution distance - I had the same issue on my work PC (a lower end but still solid desktop compared to my home gaming rig) and I tried dicking with all the settings until I ran out of stuff to lower/disable and then I saw a drop down menu (forgot it's name) that has like a screen resolution with a percentage next to it. I dropped it down a few notches and now I get to play DayZ at work haha.
  6. JoeMonkey

    Problem with interacting with servers (when in game)

    Getting rid of nested backpacks fixed me. I've logged close to 100 hours playing this game, and run into all sorts of shitty bugs haha. Most frustrating ones are the wipes, but meh. This was a new one for me this morning. Server list populates, I pick one out, load in, see my character appear all the good stuff but can't equip my weapon, open doors, anything (I've run into a similar bug where this happens, I mash my mouse and keyboard then try to equip and it works). I see stuff on the ground, can't pick it up. Reload a new server. Same thing, try like 4 times, right clicking items it just spins on the "retrieving" message. Reinstall the game, check my ports, going crazy. Then I look in my inventory and notice that some of the things I was trying to pick up are in my inventory. So test time, I tried to pick one thing up and drop something already in my inventory, switched servers and success. So then I start thinking what is different and the only thing is that this morning I started making "starter" packs for buddies with a hunter pack, can opener, some other misc stuffs, then stacking that bag in a bag. I had 4-5 of the things. So I log into a server, drop all the bags including the one on my back, reload the same server and magically I can interact with stuff again, I then spend 20 minutes unpacking all the bags and cursing life but back to normal play here. Hope this helps someone!