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About dragoman51

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  1. dragoman51

    Dayz not stating right

    Hello, I hope someone can help me, so when i start up my DayZ it starts up in like to big for my screen its like i can see the pixels My mouse is also realy big so i can't click anything, but when i can get in came (by using arrows and enter) it's still unplayable. anyone has the same problem?
  2. dragoman51

    where is everyone?

    so i played again today after a week and i got geared op at the NW airfield, then i tried to find people to play along with (not to kill them!) but i couldnt find anyone. I went on high pop servers and made my way back from the airfield to the coast stopping at major city's and ended up in balota after mulitple server switches on my way. I found no one realy no one, se where's everyone i ask?
  3. dragoman51

    New SMG Announced... Any guesses?

    why not the ppsh-41? :D
  4. dragoman51

    Edge of map help..

    awesome story :D
  5. dragoman51

    can't find any servers

    hello, so i wanted to play some dayz standalone and clicked play when the game was started but then no servers appeared. I tried clicking everything and restarting my pc and steam but nothing helped... does anyone have a solution?
  6. dragoman51

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    do you mean release of the full game or next patch?
  7. dragoman51

    How not to love DayZ? :D

    one more tip when climbing ladders, dont stop or you might fall of and break your legs :/
  8. dragoman51

    Poisoning food with berrys and a syringe

    i think this would be cool :D
  9. and it isn't even fixed, you still recieve the you are dead mesage after you respawn even when dead...
  10. dragoman51


    wow okay i see :) thank you all
  11. dragoman51


    so im constantly trying to find this new town but i just can't find it. Does anyone have a map or something where i can see it? :)
  12. dragoman51

    Cafe bambi's

    im sorry my bad xD note im a belgian so not the best english or russian ;)
  13. dragoman51

    Mosin vs M4A1

    best when you have half of your team equiped with a mosin and the other half with an M4 give the m4 guys the revolver and the snipers a other pistol thats the best equipment ;)
  14. dragoman51

    Cafe bambi's

    So me and my friend were on our way along the coast helping bambi's out, we were going to elektro and came across kamiwobo where one bambi was running out of the city and asked us if we could help him getting inland, we gave him a bandage and some food and drink because we were heading to elektro. Now inside kamiwobo i was looking all around with my mosin sniper but couldnt find anything untill my friend pointed his M4 at a guy in the street who was hitting another guy with an axe. We told him to stop but he kept hitting the guy who was running away, my friend then shot the axe guy dead while the other guy ran of heading to elektro, we were planning on running after him when we got shot multiple times and we had to take cover, so be it we went inside the cafe and started camping on the doors while bandaging ourselves, we didnt see anyone so i pointed my magnum and my friend his m4 at the door. Suddenly the door opened and a bambi walked trough it, i quickly said go out you dont have to be here and get shot but he just stayed in the door opening without talking, so we were still waiting when we heard another shot outside and all of sudden 2 other bambis stormed in one with his fist raised. me and my friend were scared like hell and shot all 3 of them. After that we looked outside and saw 2 guys with an M4 comming right to us, we both shot them imediatly and left the crime scene of kamiwobo. I wanna say to all bambi's don't got involved in a firefight just wait untill its over and you might get some loot. That was the last time me and my friend went to kamiwobo