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ukko (DayZ)

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Everything posted by ukko (DayZ)

  1. ukko (DayZ)

    No Servers available

    ^not everybody is faggy enough to follow shit on twitter. Thanks for clarification. Was confused too. They should report major shit like this here in forum.
  2. Agreed. Tents could be the basics of all that planned base building stuff. Mod had issues of some servers being clotted by tents everywhere. Perhaps one tent per character? They also take server performance, so perhaps tent would spawn where you pitched it last time (and disappear when you log off, since server changing is allowed) Not sure. Anyhow tents are bit like a treasures =D Nothing better than wondering lost in the woods and discovering somebodys tent and steal the crap out of it.
  3. Any fix for that "walk some time and your character gets stuck or starts rotating and game hangs and is previous location when logging back in" thingie
  4. ukko (DayZ)

    Street Sign Need English Name and Why

    Ummm.... NO? Do you realize that most of names look like KDJJEWROXXJUASUJDAJ to western people? It's so joy to find your mates on the map. "where are you?" "let me se, it reads POXXOHHHHNXEDO on the sign". That helps a lot. Like, most of the letters don't make any f*cking sense so us western people. And we are the main market. I know game is located on some east european s*ithole, but I would prefer user friendliness over "realism". Why not make menus on russian alphabets only while you are on it? OP is right. Fix this when you got spare time. It should be simple texture mod. And no, not going to learn russian to play this game. There are many other way less useless things to master.
  5. ukko (DayZ)

    Quick update for 19 November 2013

    good boy.*pats head* srsly though this trainwreck of "developement" has been great fun
  6. No leaping zombies then? :/ I think they should reconsider using arma 3 after all and start from the scratch. Dat game looks amazing !
  7. I love the aspect this aussie fag working on this established russian company you worship so much, plays this "Is gunna be liek minecraft" bullshit. Some jack-asses here ranbling about kickstarter project to help you out. 1. you are not "indie" in any form. 2 Your "sa" looks as shitty as the mod you try to sell twice. 3. Rockethairs ramblings and attendance on every shitty expo in planet shows you really don't have any idea what you are trying to archive. 5. you get too much attention to your shitty project here because pc nerds, one myself, are disappointed that there hasn't been anything worth waiting for gamevise like year or two. "brah I invested this RIG liek 2500$ brah!"
  8. Sure hope so. These russians are stuck whit that shitty arma2 engine (are they still releasing patches to it in weekly basis LOL), so no proper basebuilding is going to happen. Even zombies still look and behave like shit on latest video. Is the day/night cycle back in you fucked up earlier? Vehicles? Naah, lets focus on that retaded radio thing. Surprised if they get this out this year in any form.
  9. ukko (DayZ)

    DAYZ Developer MINI Blog April 10th

    and where tehe fck is he now if I might ask? There goes hope of closed alpha by summer.
  10. ukko (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    why did you add these pointless items whit extremely faggy names ingame at first place? herbby derp derp razor funny beans. did some 15yo asspie wanted all his bro'z ingame or what?Hotfix just to remove this shit is equally dumb. Oh boy standalone coudnt come any faster.
  11. ukko (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    did read that rocked dude is "depressed" for that WarZ travesty. Guess his game is as shitty at the moment it would make people go apeeshit if sold on steam. :D Would explain recent lack of news/annoucements. Dunno what he was thinking when he promised standalone for christmas sale. Got feeling release isnt even close.
  12. ukko (DayZ)

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    Any estimate of the price? (for fools who bought that shitty arma 2 to play this mod) Too bad they missed christmas steam sale. Was quite expected... you dont turn this pre-alpa state thing to standalone product in couple of months. Just look how terrible latest version is. People would go apeshit for paying money for that mess. xD
  13. I love these "in real life I can spot bad people by their looks" psychics xD Sure you do... 10 pages of dead horse beating even that anybody who has played this mod a lot, knows your appearence doesnt mean jack shit. KoS on 99.9% cases. Im all fine whit that. Dont understant how people think by adding zombies and loot around in multiplayer shooter would turn it somekind of sims/habbo hotel where people co-exist in harmony. There isnt even anything to do really. (not even hunting, since gutting animals doesnt work lol). Its just CoD whit one huge map whre you cant archieve anything.
  14. Turn this into a poker match? No thanks, buying same game twice will do for me. But perhaps there is a market. Like hold'em, losers around the world seem to enjoy it a lot. Another thing dayz is perhaps the most hacked online game I have ever played, so quite sure they will never get rid of them If even close. And cheating + real money involved equals dead people lol
  15. what were they doing on that shithole anyways. Hope this bullshit doesnt affect developement of dayz standalone.
  16. ukko (DayZ)

    takin a shit in the standalone

    hope there will be flys buzzing sound if you shit yourself escapinhg zombies
  17. ukko (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    "We are now commencing work on the redevelopment of the infected people (zombie) models themselves." Good news. Did read there will be ragdolls too. That is allmost mandatory to make zombie killing fun (what its not at the moment). See them fall of the buildings and stairs makes it more rewarding instantly. Realistic character movement is mandatory for melee combat aswell. Now they just zap next to you and start doing their silly attack animation. Allso burning, realistic bullet wounds, dismemberment etc would be awesome, but dont know if its possible with arma engine.
  18. ukko (DayZ)

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    glad you are banned. There should be thousands of names on that list. hope they are tracking them as we speak and there will be massive ban wave ahead taking out the trash. "baww. thought it was ok to hack bequz its just an alpha" lololo jesus christ
  19. ukko (DayZ)

    Why the radio silence?!?

    Fair enough. Just hoping all game discussion and announcements are made here in official forum. Got no intrest on twitter, reddit whatever crap. Take your time and perhaps we get solid update what doesnt brign one new feature and whole bunch of new issues. Not sure do we need those silly dogs on next release. Whistling around whit a dog doesnt bring too much to the game imo (expect quick death)
  20. ukko (DayZ)

    Multiple Glitches

    Im not getting any meat off the animals on Gutted like 6 animals on differrent servers. I get the text "x pieces of meat can be piced up" or whatever, but there is only option to hide body. Nothing to pick up
  21. ukko (DayZ)

    Cheater problem is getting bigger!

    Thats pretty damn realistic dayz experience. :D I was on server just like that yesterday. Cheating was so bad I could only laugh. Too bad they arent connected on real servers on all these nerd conventions Rocket is attending. Would be hilarious.
  22. Shovel. Melee veapon and perhaps ability to dig small hole on the ground and stash your stuff there. Hole would stay 24h or something and you see its location on the map, if you got one. (sorry didnt search much. this forum is slow as hell)
  23. ukko (DayZ)

    A little honesty would go a long way...

    Im not sure if im ready to buy same game twice within 6months or so
  24. ukko (DayZ)

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    radeon 5800. None of these tricks works. Artifacting seems to be more common in certain places (south airfield, cherno), dunno. Only way to get rid of massice artifacts was to get away from there.
  25. agreed. Just cant figure out what purpose those acts would serve gamewise. Just stick with your usual teabagging. Cannibalism could work though.