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About VincentNZ

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. VincentNZ

    Why did he just sit down?

    Well you seem to be rather greedy of your own stuff yourself, otherwise you would not need to justify to protect it in an imaginary way, by shooting a guy that did not pose any threat to you. You came on that roof to kill people, not to loot anyone, not for survival, just for PvP. You should at least be able to admit it. There is no reason to shoot people in this game, the survival aspect is laughable, gear and everyday stuff comes by the tons. Player interaction is not exercised because it simply is not needed. There is no need for banditry either, because this would imply the need of new gear. Fact is this game is just another shooter and will stay this way for a long, long time. On the topic though, this is indedd the new logout timer. Still sub-optimum, but this is the best I could think of as well.
  2. VincentNZ

    Why ARMA Engine?

    Well the answer is simple: The Mod was created for the ARMA II engine and the SA was transcirbed to the Take on Helicoptre engine, right? Which is just an improved version of the Arma II engine. So why did they use it? First of all even with being 5 years old it still looks good, it can display large landscapes, the engine is specifically made for this, it can host a whole environment, and the Devs know their way around with the engine. If they used, say the Frostbyte, CryEngine, or even the CoD engine they would be facing problems concerning making DayZ as wide as it is know, just look how small the environments are in BF4 or CoD and how hardware hunger is for these games, it just would not work. Engines that could work are the Oblivion and the Skyrim engine as they too can depict large areas, albeit having loading screens and being solely in an singleplayer environment. It also works fine concerning combat, as gun and melee play is rather uncomplicated and straightforward. Apart from licensing these engines (which costs money, or are not available at all), the Devs would have to learn a new engine, which is just like learning a new language, simplified speaking.
  3. VincentNZ

    Burlap Sack locations?

    The burlap sack itself is bugged, you can still see through it, I doubt it even shows up on your head. As for the improvised backpack, we had a guy looking a whole day for a backpack, and I had one burlap sack in my backpack for days, because I wanted to make one of these, it took me the whole day to find a rope and some sticks, granted we did not loot a lot of residential buildings, but if they want it as an option they drastically need to increase the spawns, since right now, every backpack type is far more common, than any of these ingredients. Plus as a fresh spawn, you can not even get all the crafting items into your inventory, unless you find the rope and the sack first. Considering that space is really scarce in the first encounters and loot tours and the fact that you need a lot of rags and food, it does not help the situation either. This is likely to be fixed though, especially since the garage and shed loots seemed to have disappeared completely. As for the looks, it is really flat, beige and rather good camo. While the other backpacks stick out a bit due to the sheer size on your back, the improvised is really great value if you want to conceal yourself, plus the 20 slots give you a decent amount of space.
  4. VincentNZ

    Berry Picking?

    Intriguing! Pick your own fashion kind of way? The best colors to look dashing in after getting shot? :D
  5. VincentNZ

    Weapon extinction

    Hmm my mates and I got killed several times now since the update, but weapons are not hard to come by. I had 3 M4s in two days that I could not pick up, because I was already carrying two weapons. We killed three people yesterday. All of them were equipped with at least one long weapon. Some even had two. I was at Green mountain, my mate looted the police, when two guys came in, I panicked and shot the first, and told the second to loot his mate and log off, they both had M4s. Then two others came along, shot the poor fellow and they surely had a Mosin with a scope and a M4 as well. Guns are not hard to get at all. Pristine attachments are a bit more scarce though, yet the missing tent loot is a bug, so if you are there log onto a HC server, loot and log back. I doubt someone is going to condemn you for that. Other than that, barracks hold a lot of attachment as well, albeit in rather poor condition mostly.
  6. VincentNZ

    Random zombie sound glitch bitch-fest

    Ha, ghost sounds I call them. Was on a field yesterday, saw three guys 200m away looting a building, hit the deck, and hit next to a stone wall. Did not know whether they had seen me, so I stayed there for a couple of minutes, until I heard a soda can opening right behind me. I thought they ghosted me and nearly shit my pants. Nobody there though. Would have been one cool move though, sneak up behind a guy just to open a soda can. Anyway these half-grunts of Zombies are unnerving, as are the rattles of fences. I heard a mosin or shotguns shot yesterday as well. Like it had been fired 60m away from my position, but not at me, could not find anyone though. Stuff like this is really getting me wound up. :D
  7. VincentNZ

    How to regain blood after patch?

    Is there a real number how much blood it refills now? Less than blood bags now?
  8. VincentNZ

    TS3 and Dayz

    What I had to get myself, before, was getting a headset with integrated sound-chip otherwise I could not have TS sound on the HS and game sound on the speakers. Vista and WIn 7 until some time in 2012 somehow could not deal with it. But it likely is just a volume mixer issue, that can easily be taken care of.
  9. Me and my mate were at Pavlovo and one saw us, I tipped the alarm with my sawed-off shotgun, that you probably heard in Cherno as well, and on the whole seven zombies came at me. :D
  10. VincentNZ

    No loot in cars since update?

    I always looked at the map for potential looting spots, and it always said that within every car is the potential of really good loot, yet I never found anything on them, same with helicopter wrecks and broken down IFVs.
  11. VincentNZ

    Using spray can on weapon question.

    Yeah spraying basically deletes the object and spawns a new one in your inventory instead of just adding paint. And by the way the mags and handles are just the regular ones you could find already. There were green mags, handguards, buttstocks before the patch. And you can only paint the magpul attachments and the c-mags. By the way, how do you get the camo paintjob?
  12. The rewards are only a mental state, though. Gamewise you do not gain anything, because there is no real need to team up, as DayZ offers no threat apart from other players right now. Once that is fixed and certain mechanisms are developed though KoS will likely sove itself.
  13. VincentNZ

    Lots of Zombies

    As a newspawn I once had aggroed two along the road to solnichy, but thought I lost them. At the entrance I accidentally aggroed one, just to be greeted by another two coming up, and the two I thought behind me suddenly had warped into close proximity. And I believe we shot one at Elektrofirestation, to encounter 6-7 zombies running for us in the course of a minute.
  14. VincentNZ

    Being a bandit that doesn't KoS feels good.

    Force is in no way only related to killing or hurting people. The english language is not really rich in terms of synonyms etc. Robbing itself is a form of force as well, and handcuffing certainly is. Bandits rarely kill their victims, simply by the fact, that there is no need to, and they offer little to no threat. Murdering people you are robbing is risky for yourself as you might be hunted down and executed for their actions. Bandits, waylayers usually stick to these crimes: Theft, Rob, Blackmail. Rarely murder or manslaughter. It stands to reason, when you are robbed, and being deprieved of a can-opener, the incentive for remorse is rather low. Murder however enforces an immediate reaction, as in DayZ now. Right now though the mechanisms of DayZ enforce KoS, looking for deathmatch opportunities etc. without the fear of remorse or any other form of retaliation.
  15. VincentNZ

    Should Cannibalism be in DayZ?

    It all depends, of course. And keep in mind that all ragdoll animations etc. in FNV were removed or altered for the german version. There was a perk, I remember, but that one was tied to a heavy Karma and/or Reputation loss. Wasn't there a similar quest in Skyrim, too? Where you would escort a person to a feast of cannibals? It all depends on how they picture it, and if the Devs are willing to change certain things. By the way, a ban would certainly not increase revenue, by way of guerilla marketing. The vast majority of possible buyers will not be reached, when it is neither allowed to be advertised, and not visible, purchasable, or able to activate via steam.