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About MasterAsh1

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MasterAsh1

    reset character?

    they problem aint that they reset your character the problem is they dont do it to all people like i wass playing with my friends and i got wipede 2 times now and they dont is that fair ? i can understand if all get wipede ther characters but ifff i been playing for 5 hours last night ONLY collecting stuff and logging one 2 day 2 find all reset thats 5 hours wastede i understand if u die 2 stuff but so far i been reset 4 or 5 times and its pissing me off when my friends got ther full gear for the day before and i DONT so they are forcing me and my friends like every day 2 run around for hours and hours insted of doing pvp that wass the point in runing around for 5 hours 2 find stuff for so when u do a reset DO IT FOR ALL PLAYERS not just a few becos its pissing me off all dont get reset