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dipsky (DayZ)

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Everything posted by dipsky (DayZ)

  1. dipsky (DayZ)

    MAJOR scope issues! please help!

    Did u try playing in different computer? coz i've tried and nothing happened,, i can see my guns' attachments.. I have multi gpu in my other comp, maybe that's the issue? or just a major bug that happened to particular users
  2. dipsky (DayZ)

    MAJOR scope issues! please help!

    it's known bug,, happened to me also last night,, m4 and mosin,, have all the attachments but when i changed my view to first person,, it's all gone.
  3. dipsky (DayZ)

    Attached scopes missing

    same here with mosin and m4.. only when i zoomed in or in first person mode..
  4. dipsky (DayZ)

    Disappearing Gun Parts

    same here,,, other days before i can still see the attachments but it start dissapearing last night. i did try to change my stable to experimental then went back to stable still gone,, reinstall the game,, still gone,,