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About nakor

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. nakor

    Lee Enfield/Mosin Nagant

    A mosin nagant would be awesome from an immersion standpoint, but in terms of gameplay I don't see much difference. Well, except for the iron sights i suppose.
  2. That many hits should kill any player. Whenever I hear about something like this my first suspect is lag or hit detection problems. It probably took that many shots because some of them were missing. In the future I'd recommend that one of you roll with a crossbow and the other use an AK or something similar. Anymore, when I run into a player at that range, I just unload a clip at their upper torso. You're likely to get a headshot or take them out in a hail of bullets :-P
  3. nakor

    The "Official" FIX on trust in DayZ

    Could be cool, but I'd want ACRE or something similar governing communication. No magic group channel for you :-P
  4. nakor


    +1 Never seen a sandbag, which in terms of realism is pretty damn dumb. Large sacks aren't exactly a rare thing.
  5. nakor

    Am I a bully or was this justice?

    That'll teach them to stroll through the middle of bean-town shooting unarmed folk and acting like they own the place.
  6. nakor

    Pending Update: Build

    Yes it does work wonders, hence the timer. People who want to meta-game like this are going to keep doing it anyway because they know damn well that it is faster to respawn a couple of times to move kilometers up the coast than it is to run the whole way. The point is to prevent them from clogging up the master server without the fix being a pain in the ass for everyone else.
  7. nakor

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket: I get that you anticipate removing the respawn button being a bitch, but can't this wait for some kind of spawning overhaul? Instead of just hitting a button, now people will just run 10 yards to the nearest zombie flock and wait to get beaten to death so they can respawn. All you're really going to accomplish is slowing them down. If people clogging up the master server by spamming respawn to get better spawn points is an issue, wouldn't it be better to just slap a timer on the respawn button? Disable it for 120, 180 seconds -or w/e- after each spawn. It should accomplish the same thing without requiring players to get beat on by zeds -or a doorway :-P- to respawn.
  8. I experimented with grenade chucking in Arma a bit. Basically the circle you get for aiming the grenade (if its not turned off) is going to be the top of the parabola. The longer you hold down throw the further it goes. That is how frag grenades work anyway. It is extremely non-intuitive but I was able to get fairly good with them after about 15 minutes of practice in the armory. PS - If there is anything overhead you are screwed. PPS - Throwing smoke grenades indoors can cause certain buildings to collapse.
  9. nakor

    Admin Abuse, Banned for NO REASON!

    You spelled intelligence wrong. Context matters Slang is not a banable offense. Some damn kid. Meaning its ok for some people to use that word but not others? That shit don't fly sir
  10. nakor

    Day Z is insulting to LGBT people

    I believe the OP has some valid points about the role of genders but in a post-apocalyptic zombie horror setting there are some deeper questions that need to be answered. For example, what gender are the zombies? Frankly, its small minded and morally wrong to simply assume that these poor victims of the apocalypse have retained their original anatomy AND to exclude zombie genders from the acceptable gender choices simply because they have undead differently-able reproductive systems. What could the zombie genders be? What sort of equipment might they be packing? I don't know but I can say one thing for sure: oscillating meat weasel.
  11. PC master race here to mock your pain: AMD Phenom II X4 3.2GHz 8 GB RAM @ 1333MHz GTX 260 Cheap shit 7200 RPM HD I never run below 30 fps. Ever. Because unlike you, I took the time to learn how to optimize the damn game for steady performance. Arma II has a HOST, A BIBLICAL HOST of options to customize the performance and quality of the game. Use them. And FFS ask for help instead of raging about how your shit isn't working as well as you think it should. There is at least one performance optimization thread on this forum that is absolutely amazing. Find it.
  12. nakor

    Magazines for FN and Bizon. NV toggle

    If military spawns become rarer the result will be that average players won't see it all and loot farmers will... oh yeah. They'll still have it because low drop percentage basically doesn't affect them.
  13. The game has equipment that confers a massive advantage over people without that equipment. This is supposed to be balanced by the fact that it is "rare". Groups of server hopping loot farmers have negated the mechanic intended to balance this type of gear. NVGs and thermal scopes need to be balanced in some other way or the current balance mechanic should be improved. PS: Delicious tears of loot farmers are delicious.
  14. Yep, got this too.
  15. nakor

    Remove the Stupid hour glass

    The hourglass is annoying because 9/10 you are just sitting there waiting to die. If you could still respawn and get it over with, it would be different, but the game menu is disabled when you are unconscious. I know the point is to make it harder for people to disconnect out of death, but realistically that doesn't work. All it does is annoy people who are staring at that damn hourglass doing nothing but waiting to bleed out.