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About Neokolzia

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Wrong, prone the M240/Mk 48 has Zero Horizontal recoil and an extremely low vertical recoil, its essentially recoilless in the prone firing position and is possible to reach the desired angle, Will the bullet lose some velocity yes, will the bullet be legal at the target distance of say 3km, you bet, we aren't firing straight up, were firing at an angle to increase the trajectory. US proves this every year with multiple headshot fatalities due to people shooting their guns in the air and stray bullets managing to find their way to a person, these are commonly even 9mm's, and they are lethal even at ranges over 1mile. So your telling me a 7.62x51mm round which is an very high velocity round carrying alot more mass, and designed to fly alot farther, won't effectively make it to the target? (m240/mk48 has an effective range shorter then m14/Dmr but the bullets remain lethal far far far far further than this) I expect if everything was done correctly and without the given windage, I would see a target zone of about 25-50m, and hitting it should be achievable accurately. Edit: I'm not sure myself if this is achievable, but you can't blame me for wanting to shoot a ton of tracer rounds in the air with a entire squad of LMG's and hope I can get them all to land near the same spot and create this amazing affect.
  2. Neokolzia

    Many questions for Vehicules.

    Wrong about Heli's, they aren't ingame right now.
  3. 75%, because the other 25% are just to entertaining and I would have just sat back at 800M with my sniper screwing with them =)
  4. I had one of those... until I tried to fill up a tractor, and for the life of me couldn't find the Refuel zone, (turned out because it was on a slope), anyway the brilliant idea I had was to crawl under Mr. Tractor, and low and behold the refuel tractor button appears, I was like alright... what happens if I click it since I can't crouch up.. Oh well I give my character merits for his determination to stand up, he really tried.. I got 1 shot by the refuel button D=. Don't Refuel vehicles from underneath!
  5. yes I am aware the travel time would be high. Thats not the point, A, We would be out of Audible Range B, In Day time they wouldn't see or hear it coming barely If they hear bullets start to land all around them then ya they might DC, thats why this would be more inclined for High Population servers. And I don't think it viable to assume everyone is going to shit themselves and DC when they see this hailstorm of raining fire bullets from the sky, those people are pussies.
  6. I was thinking if I could get ahold of the calculation Arma 2's engine uses for bullet deceleration and drop, I would beable to say take a group of players with M240/Mk 48 Mod 0's, and provide fairly high percision fire support at 2-3km (easily further I imagine). If A formla could be created, would be as simple as, finding Said group of players say at cherno with your spotter/forward watcher, give exact position, and calculating the true distance to target, including the elevation drop/rise, easily done with Pythagoras, a^2 + b^2 = c^2. Now if you could get all this fairly basic info, you'd beable to have the formula so you'd enter all the details of the target, and your squad, and solve for the angle which your squad would need to fire at, which is a bit more difficult I think since there is no easy to way I'm aware of in-game to get precise angles in-game with guns, even then though with rough angles and say 6-8 players with M240's Mk48's, raining hell at the marker's direction at a rough 30 degree angle, since I don't believe windage is a factor in Dayz, the bullets should not only Land near the target, they will be easily verifiable with the tracer effect, not sure how long the tracer remains active in Arma 2. I could just imagine doing this against Cherno or Electro on a High-Pop server at night time, with a side by side video of the Over watch and the firing squad, with all the tracer effects going off, would look amazing, it would rain fire down in the target, and accusation of hacking will ensue.
  7. 2500k isn't outdated, ivy bridge is out now yes but its also very expensive and will give literally no real world gaming performance increase over sandbridge of that caliber sir. I agree with the 480 swap out. Simply too outdated for that price.
  8. I haven't had this issue thankfully, though I have had a number of beautiful items eated by my Backpack monster.
  9. Neokolzia

    Lasting Appeal?

    Well Dayz is more of a Hardcore, PVPFPSRPG, then anything it isn't about surviving and working together play, dead island or something if you want that. You give people a sand box, and you give them guns, and you give them the ability to shoot each other. and you bitch that we shoot each other? Ha? I can clearly see how well educated you are about human nature.
  10. PC Stores can generally have connections to warehouses and can cheaply get them shipped to their location. So don't cheap out on the case just because they don't have one at their store, they almost always have suppliers that they can get any case you want from, and for an extremely cheap shipment price. Though my experience with general stores (not online ones) is its nearly the same price even minus shippment due to how much they spike up prices.
  11. Neokolzia

    Oh those cute little dc'ers

    You know how to fix DCr's? Learn to; AS50 or M107. Period. Or if your complaining about DC'rs in CQB, use a FN FAL on burst, hard to aim on burst over 25m accurately but can be extremely accurately aimed on single shot, but single burst is instant death.
  12. I was thinking something like this but rather in combination of using it as to Save at a camping location to provide spawn details to the master server. So Player A. Would Log off at NW Barracks, on Server N123. Player A had recently made his Camp (with tenty tents) on NY123 about 2km west of that, and had saved his Character at that location. Player A. proceeds to log in to Seattle 321, he is spawned at the location where he camp would be if it had been placed on that server. He Loots Vybor and logs off, and proceeds to log in to NY123, and he finds himself back at camp once again. Idea would be that as long as tents are easily destroyable, it would be rare for them to be conceivable spawn at rare loot places as say Stary, etc, though I think some tent placing restrictions should exist around said area. ... And here is where my theory crafting stops, I think your spawn should be saved at your current position unless you log into a different server, then you would be brought back to your spawn. If you relog into the same server that you had logged into you would be where you had logged off. though this wouldn't punish combat loggers, just server hoppers and ghosters, since a combat logger would be safe unless punishment could be added if he is injured and forced back to his camp, even then he would die at his camp safe and sound and can run and get his stuff.
  13. 480 is a fairly old card depending what and where you got it, 8gb is enough for anything 16gb is overkill but at the price of ram nothing wrong with either. 50$ is 50$. I would have went for the Black 1TB not the blue, black is significantly faster. Your missing a SSD which I highly recommend a 32-64gb for OS, and 1-2 games, such an amazing addition to any pc. The HAF 912, is a decent case, I'm not into MID towers having built a couple after being used to full towers, just so cramped no room for literally anything, Full tower all the way in my opinion, a good quality case can be used for build upon build. ( I had a HAF 932 for 3.5 years, having heavily modified and customized it.) Don't really need an aftermarket cooler if your not going to overclock the CPU, but I wouldn't trust the hyper 212 for a very heavy heat loading, Also you didn't link your thermal paste which can make up to 5-8C difference alone in its quality, Artic MX-4 is one of the best in my opinion, but there are complilational reviews out there of all the pastes. Make sure to have the RAM running at the proper Mhz and voltage as it's rated for 1600mhz at 1.5V if you do any overclocking the RAM clock changes with the Bus Clock. you can easily bring that CPU to 4.0-4.5 Safely and cooly, though alot of people hit 5ghz with the 2500k, I wouldn't recommend it for typical users, stick to a safer and lower 4.0-4.5ghz, as its signicantly cooler, and less hard on the chip, depends on your quality, some can take 5ghz some can't take 4.5ghz, varies completely chip to chip. Not really a fan of tigerdirect, newegg I find to be a better deal, and since it seems your canadian like me, you can do alot of your shopping via, newegg.ca, NCIX.com( Vancouver Company amazing, price matches everything), and or use these 2 sites, Pricebat.ca or Shopbot.ca Look up the part on there, and it will show you all the online retailers and their prices for that part, allowing you to completely abuse price match =). _______________ Only major recommendation is to look into a new CPU cooler/thermal paste if your using what comes with that one. The HAF 912 is specifically designed to accommadate large radiators and other coolers that take up lots of space, including 2x 120mm rads. So if I had to recommend anything for extreme cooling solutions to allow for system longevity and overall system quietness, and future proof overclocking ability. http://ncix.com/products/?sku=61380&vpn=CWCH100&manufacture=Corsair&promoid=1360 http://ncix.com/products/?sku=61379&vpn=CWCH80&manufacture=Corsair&promoid=1015 http://ncix.com/products/?sku=60587&vpn=KUHLER%20H20920&manufacture=Antec&promoid=1015 Thermal compound: http://ncix.com/products/?sku=55958&vpn=MX-4T-4G&manufacture=Arctic%20Cooling As for Tigerdirect vs newegg vs NCIX. 90% of shipping costs are due to the case, and other extremely large and heavy pieces... name the case.. Since tiger-direct doesn't offer the same level of price match I advise that you likely will get the best deal ordering strictly the case as pickup and everything else likely through NCIX using and abusing their price match ability. Also went graphics card hunting these are also somethings to consider. My opinion, get everything within budget then get the best single gpu you can afford, you will not regret it. Oh and exellent choice on PSU, Corsair or nothing, Corsairs are beast PSU's. Low quality ones are tempting but can destroy systems and end up costing more in power over a year. But anyway, 580 GTX; http://www.ncix.com/products/?sku=67644&vpn=58NLH5DI5TXX&manufacture=Galaxy%20Technology&promoid=1382 570GTX; http://www.ncix.com/products/?sku=72480&vpn=N570GTX%20Twin%20Frozr%20II&manufacture=MSI%2FMicroStar&promoid=1015 7950; (About = 580 near same price, more drivers to come) http://www.ncix.com/products/?sku=67619&vpn=AX7950%203GBD5-2DH&manufacture=PowerColor&promoid=1015 Honestly, Would go either for 7950 or 580 hands down. 7950 is still likely to see some performance increase as drivers mature. But heres the question, do you want this to run Arma 3 well or just Arma 2? If your considering ARMA 3 or any other top end PC games, Make the adjustment, bump the PSU to a 750-850, just to give the headroom for a Crossfire or SLI upgrade down the road if needed, otherwise your set.
  14. Neokolzia


    Just walk for 25 minutes done.
  15. Neokolzia

    Tents useless?

    Wish my bag and Character would save like my tent does... Lost sooooooooo many weapons and things to mr. monster bag, even weapons I've equipped.