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Substitute (DayZ)

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About Substitute (DayZ)

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  1. Substitute (DayZ)

    Oh wow, im soooo lucky !!

    You think that's bad? I had a team of 8 people, completely geared.... Coyote backpack, ghillie, NVG's, rangefinders AS50's and etc. We had 3 cars, and it was the first day of Helicopter spawn. We found the chopper on the Skailistji island, we completely repaired it. We jump in and about to fly up. Hacker joins in and destroys every vehicle in the game, and 3 seconds later every player. And then server restarts.
  2. Substitute (DayZ)

    Weird things in DayZ.

  3. Substitute (DayZ)

    Weird things in DayZ.

  4. Substitute (DayZ)

    Weird things in DayZ.

    Yeh my friend had a crazy theory that the ghost had epic loot and wanted to kill him. But whenever he appeared to us in the fields, we would just freeze in fear.
  5. Substitute (DayZ)

    Weird things in DayZ.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrzTQm5zs_o&feature=plcp Not all hackers are assholes, it seems. This guy first appeared to us randomly in the field, and scared us to death. Our friend in Elektro also said that he was in Elektro creeping people out, even driving some of them to suicide. And then we decided to record it and this happened.
  6. Substitute (DayZ)

    well this game got boring fast

    OP is right tho, every Barrack/Military tent seems to be looted by a server hopper to the point that it's just not worth taking your high level gear there. I haven't found anything good in barracks through playing this mod for 5 weeks. So I gave up on the Airfield and build cars now, to drive around Chernarus and find Helicopters. Which seems to be way easier way of getting high level gear. Just yesterday I found about 8 Helicopters without a car. In a very close proximity of each other. 2 of them were 100 meters apart. Now I have; NVG. AS50 L85 AWS Ghillie Suit All possible tools, except GPS. Alice Backpack full of supplies. And all that gained in just one day.
  7. Substitute (DayZ)

    Helicopter crash sites

    There's a crash right in front of Pulkovo, found Bison, FNAL + NV Scope wih 3 mags and pair of NVG's
  8. Lee Enfield is pretty much guaranteed death on body shot. Not sure since it seems to be nerfed now, cause I got shot with it in the chest and fell unconcious with 5000 blood and bleeding, had around 2000 after getting up.
  9. Substitute (DayZ)

    The Lux SUV

    Ive seen one parked right in-front of Elektro firestation, didn't really check it out cause I thought it was a trap, but it looked in working condition, so I doubt it spawned there.
  10. Substitute (DayZ)

    The flies/crows on very low humanity discussion

    How abot a respawn timer when they die, increasing the time before they can respawn by 5-10 minutes per kill. And reducing that time by 2-3 minutes for every bandit kill?