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About TerminusJuNN

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    On the Coast

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    Austin, TX
  1. TerminusJuNN

    People Suck.

    It's a tough decision to come forward with this information for several reasons, however, this glitch is serious and needs to be corrected even before beta. It would probably have been better to post this in the bug tracker, and for all I know it has been, but warning us was noble nonetheless. Still Test_Subject_83 is correct in that things could and will get much worse before they get better. The glitch in itself is not surprising and many similar issues will be discovered before this game is ready for release. I've dealt with similar situations in various games over the years and the best thing to do is learn the lesson and move on. For those of you considering using this exploit to grief players, think again, because I will make it my personal mission to find a position to riddle you dead and ruin your gear. I hope others will join me in policing those hangars until this gets fixed!
  2. TerminusJuNN

    Zombies should run faster than players

    Last night I was looting Berezino with a friend. We separated to get more coverage as we are trying to get more food and canteens etc. I have a Mosin, but limited ammo, so I defaulted to a splitting axe for Zeds. For the 1st time ever, the Zeds became a problem for me. At best, I have had to kill between half-dozen to a dozen zombies in any given area. In this instance, I killed a total of 25 Zeds and had to bandage myself 3 times! Perhaps it was my "bad luck", but I finally got a taste of perhaps 20% of what this game is going to be like. Several of them did their leap attacks and the usual wounding you despite visually not being anywhere near you. I had an awesome time; a prelude of things to come. I trust Rocket and his team to eventually do whatever is right for DayZ. This forum is for us to vocalize our suggestions/concerns and help the developers identify serious bugs. They have their own timetable for what is going to get fixed and when. Zeds are an extremely important aspect of this game and I am certain that they will eventually become very troublesome. As stated in my other threads, they are just placeholders, and thus nothing more than a minor annoyance to armed players. As the devs balance the game, they will address our concerns and Rocket has already proved that he is reading the forums. This alpha community needs to concentrate on testing this game and communicating meaningful feedback to Rocket and his team. We need to become a better asset for them and stop worrying about details which will get corrected in due time. I don't give a crap about KOS, or losing my kit from time to time. What I do care about is finding problems, replicating them, and reading the forums enough to see if what I am experiencing is a new problem. If so, I want to provide meaningful feedback to help the devs make a better DayZ for us. Nothing else matters right now.
  3. I sometimes laugh at some of our community member's posts regarding firearms. The Mosin-Nagant was and absolutely is a SNIPER rifle since 1932. Including carbine versions, approximately 17.4 million were built by the end of WWII. Straight from Wiki: " At the beginning of the war, (WWII) the Mosin-Nagant 91/30 was the standard issue weapon of Soviet troops and millions of the rifles were produced and used in World War II by the largest mobilized army in history. The Mosin-Nagant Model 1891/30 was modified and adapted as a sniper rifle from 1939 onwards with mounts and scopes from Germany at first and subsequently with domestic designs (PE, PEM) and from 1942 was issued with 3.5-power PU fixed focus scopes to Soviet snipers. It served quite prominently in the brutal urban battles on the Eastern Front, such as the Battle of Stalingrad, which made heroes of snipers like Vasili Zaitsev and Ivan Sidorenko. Those sniper rifles were highly respected for being very rugged, reliable, accurate, and easy to maintain. In fact, some German snipers reportedly used captured Mosin-Nagants over their own Karabiner 98 rifles." The 1891/30 depicted in DayZ was the most prolific version of the Mosin-Nagant and was commonly used as a sniper rifle, often fitted with a 4x PE or PEM scope in the early versions and later (1942) was issued with a Soviet copy of a Zeiss design, a 3.5x PU scope. (This is the one we are finding in the game) So basically, when we find the Mosin, it's a 1891/30. When we add a PU score it becomes a 91/30 PU - Add a "long range scope" and call it what you like.
  4. TerminusJuNN

    My Kit: What can i improve on ?

    Great topic hitt0r! - I'm going to give you a different perspective and since I have only died a few times since DayZ was made available, perhaps you should give it some weight. First. Don't ditch the extra ammo. Twingunz assumes you will die before using it. What if you run low? Back to highly dangerous airbases to get more? You only go to dangerous locations if you absolutely have to. I run with 2 ammo boxes, mostly 5.56, but plenty of 7.62, 45 cal, and 357 bullets. I don't feel good unless I have nearly 1500 rounds. Second, people will KOS no matter what, camo clothing gives you the best chance if when you run into bandits or "KOSers" and you are near a forest. For city exploration, grey clothing gives you best chance to blend in. At night, black, navy blue, or gray clothing is best. Trust me there is room for everything I am talking about. (Yes those yellow protective cases, I carry 5 of them!) Keep in mind that changing clothing makes no noise and with practice can be done quickly and efficiently. (Once you hot key an item/weapon, it can be inside of the yellow case and it is still accessible!) Play with all these items and those cases and you will learn what many still don't know. I dare say I have the best kit of any player. I know what I say sounds arrogant, but if I was, would I be sharing the info? The Press vest is good, ( I wear mine) but hurts your camouflage in the front of your toon. But, the camper's backpack covers your back. When prone, you are still camo'd. I'm still looking for a ballistic vest, and doubt that it even spawns. never seen anti-stab vest, so don't have an opinion. I like the idea of storing the axe in inventory, and that's the only thing I learned on this thread. Third. Keeping rice is not a bad idea and fill up with water from wells because rice uses lots of water and provides the most energy to add to your 20k pool. Drink water from wells until it says you are full, then maybe 5-7 more times. You are vulnerable when drinking and some players camp wells. Don't eat canned goods as you find them. Popping soda cans and eating makes a tremendous amount of noise. Gather the items, leave the urban area and eat away from populated areas. BTW, bayonets (for Mosin) do open cans if you don't have a can opener, but like other items, you lose a % of food. One can opener will always suffice, and even a ruined one still works in the alpha. Eating should be done in private if you are a lone wolf. Once hunting/cooking are working, the need for urban areas will diminish unless low on medical supplies, or ammo. Try to be with at least one other trusted player when in dangerous zones. The med advice you received was good, except you need a morphine hypo in case you break your legs. Unless you feel like crawling around looking for sticks to make a splint. Later, dirty or unsterile bandages/rags will carry a risk of infection, thus always have at least two 100% pristine bandages and hot key both of them. The long range scope on the Mosin is vital until they add binoculars. On larger cities and bases patience will keep you alive, but on medium to high pop servers, players are spawning in and out, so no area is truly clear. For now switching back and forth between 1st and 3rd person perspective can help you survive, but 3rd person may be going away altogether, so I stay on 1st most of the time and don't allow 3rd to become a crutch. I'm not saying using 3rd person is wrong, and in fact it's smart while it's available, but 1st person is not that bad and on 3rd, your toon in itself is a distraction. Anytime you are fooling around with inventory for more than 30 seconds, in volatile zones, you risk getting killed. Do that type of stuff in the forest. You can carry the M4 and the Mosin, but be ready to lose either of them at any given point. Carry extra ACOG and long range scope so when you lose one, all you will need (mostly) is to get another rifle, restock on ammo when you have to be in those areas. again. Try to kill Zeds with axe when possible. Gunfire can draw bandits/KOS players, as well as additional Zeds. Keep the noise suppressor in storage until it's fixed. I have FN45 and Python. Why not? The 45s red dot sight is neat, but I almost got myself killed by server hoppers finding mine. There is no such thing as a perfect kit, and much of this has to do with your game style which is always evolving. (hopefully) The greatest dangers to you/us are other players we do not know. Especially when we are playing alone. I don't preach to just stay in the woods. Most of the fun in this game is teaming up with other players, but all of us know that other players = eventual death. I'm still learning and try to read the forums and watch videos, but in the end, experience and building knowledge of the game increases survivability. There really is no right or wrong and we are going to see all kinds of problems over the next 2 years. I'm going to try and take those changes, problems, bugs in stride. I've been a gamer since 1972 and I am starting to think that DayZ is going to be the best game ever made. Our job as alpha players/ testers is to report problems to Rocket and his team of devs so they can use meaningful feedback and prioritize fixes and enhancements. Find me in Steam hitt0r and we can run together. Terminus-=JuNN=-
  5. TerminusJuNN

    Ballistic vest and Press Vest?

    I've been trying to get a straight answer about the Ballistic Vest for several days. I tend to think that it's either a very rare spawn or not yet implemented. People keep saying that some "buddy" got one, but I've never seen a screenshot of one. If it can stop one bullet from either a Mosin or a Magnum, it worth having one. The Press Vest probably only helps with 45 Auto bullets (2-3) to torso depending on distance, less if at very close quarters. I'm not sure about using one except maybe at night. Hoping it can be spray painted, to black or olive green... Ultimately, for those of you claiming that you own a Ballistic Vest, please post a screenshot with inventory open, so we can read its name and not just a screenie of a Tactical Vest. Enough said.
  6. TerminusJuNN

    I think I found the rarest item in the game so far

    The SA Wiki describes a " Ballistic Vest " which can help protect you from small arms fire, stabs, and explosives. Has anyone ever had one of those? If so, does it have pockets like the assault/tactical vests?
  7. TerminusJuNN

    What Items are rare?

    Does SA have a Ballistic vest? It's supposed to protect against small arms fire, stabs, and shrapnel. Never seen the Magnum fast loader. The MRD FNP FNX 45 red dot sight is fairly rare, but I have found one that was worn. I imagine Press jacket is rare, but would not wear it. Never seen that Mosin compensator either, nor would I want it. Never seen the Russian Pilot helmet. Ammo boxes are common, and they carry far more than 300 rounds. All I want is the "Ballistic vest" Anyone? B)