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About WeeCody

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  1. They aren't threats man. I never stated I was going to try to find you or any nonsense like that. Just told you what I would do if you had the pleasure of being in my vicinity. Because you made a horrible statement.
  2. You've lost all public support on this topic buddy. You're god damn right I'm mad. I could care less if I am angrier than most. You said some shit that is outside of a video game forum and I for once, wish I could reach through the screen and fucking hit you. But, I'm done wasting my time responding to you. You obviously are on here for the "thrills" of trolling.
  3. Civilized? Are you kidding me?! I want to fight you. This isn't some dumb name-calling game because we have disparate views. This isn't me getting worked up over foreign policy or some stupid conspiracy or any political bullshit. You said that having kids took time from "all night partying" and "roadtrips with friends" ....etc. I want to FIGHT you, dude. With my fists. In a fucking parking lot so I can beat your stupid little face in; you selfish fuck. Don't fucking talk to me about civilized kiddo. You "loud 'n proud" stated you wished you didn't have kids for the most selfish of reasons. So you can fucking party. Yes, dude I want to beat your ass. In a civilized manner. Like I said. I'm not going to argue with you. I'm just trying to emphasize that If were were right next to each other and you had asked to me "say some shit to my face." I would spit in your fucking mouth as I articulated every foul word I could think of.
  4. Oh, you self centered dick. You don't deserve the pleasure of having kids. To try an continue your half-assed argument for not having kids is mundane. You look and sound like a fool. To fully admit that it's "stealing" time for you to party and hang out with friends? Dude, you make me sick for having the gall to even proudly admit that. Fuck you dude straight up. I'm not going to argue with you. I'm telling you (and I wish I could say this an inch from your shitty little face) "Fuck you." Grow the fuck up. Get a job. Get your priorities straight. And cut your dick off while your at it because we certainly don't need any more piece of shits like you running around. I sincerely hope someone gets angry in traffic one day and kills you; violently. God damn, you've pissed me off you fucking prick.
  5. WeeCody

    Allow 2 seperate hand slots

    I like the idea of dual wielding a weapon and an instrument/utility. It would be very nice to run with a pistol and check the compass. This would allow you to stop and check your surroundings, while allowing you an opportunity to fire back at someone. The cons should be prevalant with the obvious factor of dramatic reduction in accuaracy and also the well-thought-out idea of no reloading capabilities. You could potentially kill off someone approaching with a shotgun or at least cause a wound to him. I'm not sure about dual wielding pistols. Even if we did implement the idea in a balanced manner, I feel it's more silly than any true improvement. In real life you would most definitely feel more comfortable with one pistol in your hand. As soon as you attempted to dual wield, the realization of how innaccuracte you are would befall you.
  6. WeeCody

    How is Berenzino for close quarters M4/SKS runs?

    Well me and 7 other fellas ran thru berezino for an hour and a half and shut the town down. It was incredible. Firefight after firefight after firefight and we only had 3 deaths the entire time. I believe we logged 26 kills the whole night bit around 18 in the town alone. I hate bandit assholes like that. I just joined this group man but it's been phenomenal! I lived long enough to see myself become the villain. I would've never shot at people for no reason. I used to try my hardest to find friends.....now I'm Rollin with these assholes and I'm stuffing disenfectant down you're throat! What happened to me?!
  7. I would much rather have the pistol. If I have myself an M4, shotgun or sawed off, then I'll use those. Otherwise I'll take my pistol. It's easier to maneuver and it doesn't give my position away. The key or keeping your crosshairs very straight, where you would assume somebodies center off mass to be. I'm not used to this tactic as much as I am more familiar with "looser" control settings as compared to most fps games. But, if someone happens to be crouched, you also have a fantastic opportunity to hit em square in the domepiece.
  8. WeeCody

    Dealing With Loss

    Hahahaha I'm Sooooo with what DKR had stated above. I just had a fully geared charector and was passing by elektro (first mistake) then got caught up in a gunfight with a group of 3. I managed to put 2 down over the course of 3 minutes. That's when I suddenly got caught in a crossing field of fire between the last survivor and a 4th I never knew about. Toasted. I steppd out for a cig because I'm pissed. I know I'll come back but I spent all damn day today trying to get that shit. The first encounter I've had in four hours ended horribly. Well....back to it I guess!
  9. I 100% agree. We need random spawns, placed strategically around the map. This would mix things up and force players to hit the nearest town or village for gear, causing more encounters. Right now everyone spawns in one area and skips the nearest towns under the (mostly correct) assumption that everything's been cleared out already. Everyone sprints to elektro or berezino. I go to Cherno and yes, you may run into someone but not like elektro or berezino.
  10. WeeCody

    Reminded as to why I love Day Z

    Haha I had made a few mistakes and I continue to make them. I'm doing my best to learn from every encounter and see where in the interaction I went wrong. I definitely should've gone to the airstrip with either an sks or a sidearm.... minimal. You need something with semi auto to be able to cover your ass. The Mosin should only be used from a distance. I was surprised that the interaction at the airstrip didn't turn out worse. You always have to assume the worst, that's for sure . Even non bandits will put you down in a heartbeat.
  11. WeeCody

    Reminded as to why I love Day Z

    Haha thanks man. Yeah any of the military bases or airfields are not the typical locations I expect to find pals. Granted, we never linked up but for me to be able to come back out and actually not get shot by the guy I just unloaded at..... I was surprised.
  12. So after dying every time I get somewhat armed, I began to get disheartened. I mean how many times does a guy have to get tickled with the prospect of a weapon? You know, to shoot those bastards that ALWAYS seem to kill me. Every time I get stacked a little bit, I die before I get a chance to use anything! Until just now. My hands are still trembling from the experience. I'm at the NW airfield with my buddy. We had been traveling for 4 hours now; starting our trip at the ever-hostile Elektro, we slowly moved our way north thru small villages and medium sized towns. Loot was promising, as we slowly but surely got ourselves supplied for the trek north. We managed to clean out Nova and Starry Sobor entirely. Once we reached the airfield we encountered our first bastard (in 3 hours) who tried to make a move. We put him down quickly and shared his scraps. Once we reached the barracks we split. I took upstairs while my buddy searched downstairs. While I have my head buried in my own gear, I hear a symphony of gunfire and curses. My buddy is down by a silent assailant. Shot with an M4. I have a Mosin, but lets be honest, I have one opportunity to save my ass. One shot to save my hard earned work. One chance to revenge my buddy and kill this son of a bitch that dared to enter. I proceeded to slowly creep towards the stairwell. I know this guy is either below me or next to the entrance. I peered my head around the base of the stairs and was met with a flurry of rounds my way. Snaps and cracks warning me they are much to close. I pulled my mosin back up to my face, eyes beamed at the bottom of the stairway. He hasn't moved and inch. I have. By the time the whites of my eyes met his, it was too late. Bandit #2 had the advantage of firepower. I had the advantage of a fresh angle. This fine sir peered out from his safety wall, M4 ready to go. He was kissed right on the forehead by an angel with a 7.62mm round to follow up. Threat down. Right? I'm rummaging thru the murder scene, trying to scavenge anything I can. Ammo, food, water and medical supplies. Thanks to this guy, I now had two ammo boxes to stuff things into! I'm excited. Adrenaline is pumping. I tasted victory like no other. I was down and caught surprised. I wasn't ready. I didn't have the gun for the job, but I did it. And that's when the door opens again. I've never pissed away a magazine as fast as I did there. I lit that doorway up and when the entrance was clear of a threat, I kept firing. Run away asshole. Get off my turf. And that's when he starts yelling at me over the chat, cursing me for standing over two dead bodies like a vulture. Cursing me because he's bleeding out and thinks I'll come to finish him up. Here I thought he's playing tagalong with the guy that took out my buddy. Here he is thinking I killed both of them. Once we started chatting, we started laughing about the whole thing and I patched him up and sent him on his way. I have more loot right this moment than I have ever had during my 60 hours on SA..... This game rocks!
  13. WeeCody

    Humanity Restored

    Okay so after playing for awhile I've definitely taken to rougher playstyle after being taken down so many times. I was losing hope for any positive interaction with any player, until just now. I was deep in Cherno with some decent gear. I had snagged a mosin and a shotgun. I sawwed the barrel down and found a good ration of slugs to match. I was ready to round up some medical supplies and move on to the north, when a good pack of zeds chased me into a corner. I worked on two of them, not before I was inevitably hit and wounded. I bailed and sprinted as quick as I could, leaving three behind to chase. I find myself sprinting in desperation in the middle of the courtyard; exposed and open to attack..... Then some guy comes out of nowhere blasting these fucking zombies, one shot, two shot, five shots. Then proceeds to help me and banbdage me. I tried to give him anything. Food, water, batteries, etc.. He didn't want anything. Just said he was happy to help. Damn. I'm impressed. Faith in humanity....restored.
  14. I'm trying here. I really like the game and I take my time; I'm careful. But, before I ever have a chance to get any damn ammo, I'm gunned down. I need a buddy. Anyone to play with that's down to play smart. Hit me up on Steam if you want to play! Steam ID: sUbLiMiNaL 952