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About FatBoyFish

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. FatBoyFish

    I've just mercilessly gunned down two men...

    Its just the way it goes sometimes Be friendly, but careful!
  2. Its not as bad on my GTX670... still there a bit though, and like you, only through the scope
  3. FatBoyFish

    Graphics card for dayz. Please reply soon

    Post a picture of the slots on the MB...
  4. FatBoyFish

    Graphics card for dayz. Please reply soon

    Yes, but you should really get a new MB. Which MB do you have? (Sounds bit old) Plus, what's the slot type on your MB? DirectX relies on card drivers mostly, plus OS version. (If you Google the card, it'll tell you which version of DX you can go up to)
  5. FatBoyFish

    Thoughts on gear

    looks closet gay to me (Just kidding by the way)
  6. FatBoyFish

    SKS vs M4

    Tell me you guys don't have names for your (Dayz) guns yet?
  7. Your opinion is 100% incorrect. Most people like to see and share exactly this kind of story. This was a great game experience, and partially captured and kindly posted for us. You don't have to read it, so just move on without flaming / trolling / swearing / shouting.
  8. It was the most intense gaming experience I've had in a while, even though I spent most of it unconscious! Just hearing everybody scrambling to first locate then flank this guy... superb!
  9. FatBoyFish

    Why dont they simply uses pw's?

    I dont get kicked...?
  10. FatBoyFish

    vid - Story time with Cred. The Excalibur M4

    Whats this guys Steam ID? I need M4 blessings also...
  11. FatBoyFish

    GTX660 Ti stops responding

    Could also try to go back to the last restore point...
  12. FatBoyFish

    GTX660 Ti stops responding

    Could also try to go back to the last restore point...
  13. FatBoyFish

    map vs road signs

    Id also like them to just do English place names... The Russian alphabet is hard, especially being chased by 6 zeds with nothing but a coconut and pencil sharpener
  14. FatBoyFish

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hi all. Im Paul. 42yr old Solutions Architect working for the man. Wifey & 2 kids. Huge fucking mortgage. Mostly play after 8ish after the monkeys go to bed. Trustworthy, not killed anybody yet, but been killed about 6 times. Looking for more friendlies to play with. PM me if interested. Also play BF4 sometimes. Really looking forward to DayZ developing...