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Everything posted by tockeR

  1. Lol, rocket thinks he lost players because of no end game content. No. You lost players because hacking ruined your game.
  2. You cannot refute the fact that the game has lost a large chunk of its player base due to hackers. If only private hives were available/endorsed sooner by the staff, this situation might of been avoided entirely. Good luck with the standalone release, I won't be purchasing.
  3. tockeR

    Long Standing, Reliable Server

    We run a private hive now. You can find server details from my signature.
  4. tockeR

    Will I be banned ?

    Private servers are legal. We swapped over to our own private hive the start of this month. A lot of community script restriction/mods have really helped us eliminate hackers.
  5. :| Script kids now bomb our 60 slot servers hourly. Kill everyone then leave. Even worse is when they decide to teleport everyone to the ocean. Hosting for ArmA2 isn't cheap. The only temporary solution to combat these teenagers is to password our server and entrust only community members to play. Sadly however, if we were to do this we would end up being black-listed. This outcome really sucks. Something really needs to be done. Us administrators have absolutely no power at all. Can I please get a post from a position of power on this.
  6. tockeR

    Computer Spec's

    Honestly? Don't bother upgrading. or at least don't bother doing so just for this game. I run an i7, 16gigs of ram and a HD7970 and struggle with FPS issues in towns with everything on high. It's the engine. Not your pc. edit: Also other contributing factors like server quality effect your FPS.
  7. tockeR

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    As soon as you hear gunfire hit alt+f4 for maximum survivability.
  8. Is their any working fixes for the graphical glitching on dead soldiers?? I have updated to even the latest hotfix. nothing works. Can't loot any of the airfields or deer stands without problems. Video card: Ati 7950 Working fixes?
  9. We have. for the last week and a bit. I think at the end of the month I'll have a hard debate on whether to renew with my current server provider. If no one is willing to respond, worse comes to worse we will just run our own private hive. No one seems to care enough to address this.
  10. It hasn't been until this week that we finally saw how bad the hacking really was/has become. Before last week, we had banned 1 player from our 60slot server. Now our forum is full of reports, a lot with brazen evidence from streams/fraps of the hackers not even caring. The worst part is, the longer this goes unpunished the more new/seasoned players end up turning to hacks themselves.
  11. Recent reddit post: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/xxzf5/mlgxxx_pr0540_xdayzxxn0sc0p3x_xxx12tr1ll1on/
  12. tockeR

    Is this hacking? Reddit post

    So this is not hacker?
  13. tockeR

    Is this hacking? Reddit post

    Figured so. I hadn't seen explosives in DayZ before.
  14. We haven't patched our server yet. And probably wont until battleye fix this.
  15. tockeR

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Well this one time, at the thunderdome..
  16. tockeR

    Trading for NVGs

    I'll still trade you a pair for my original offer.
  17. tockeR

    Lol @ hack post surge.

    We run a 60 slot server and haven't encountered any hackers yet.
  18. tockeR

    Trading for NVGs

    I'll take your GPS, gilly and backpack for my pair.
  19. In the last week I've seen endless threads of people complaining about hackers. I've been playing almost since launch and only once have I ever encountered hacker. This game's in Alpha, and with all of its problems hacking really isn't one of them. If you have suspicion of hacking WITH video/log evidence then post it here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/32-cheat-reporting/ Spamming General discussion with your teary stories is pointless. Grow up, guys. (and that 1 fat girl who plays)
  20. The cheating isn't really as bad as people are making out to be.
  21. tockeR

    Hacking, an analysis

    Games alpha. Stop getting emotional over it. It'll be patched soon
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle#Alpha