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About MonkeyPickAss

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MonkeyPickAss


    The only way you would ever see a difference in ram speed is in a benchmark you will never notice a real world difference.
  2. MonkeyPickAss

    All my stuffs had been gone

    If it took you 10 hours to get kitted up i feel bad for you.
  3. MonkeyPickAss

    black & white screen after starvation

    I really dont see how it is possible to die of starvation ... food is literally EVERYWHERE.
  4. MonkeyPickAss

    Give us the ability to delete our character from the main menu.

    It will only help to eliminate 1 bug and there are COUNTLESS other bugs way more important than having to go out to the server list to respawn.
  5. He was probably a duplicate if i had to guess.
  6. MonkeyPickAss

    Just bought the game and there is no servers to join?!

    Try raising your max ping to 150 or 200 and see if that helps.
  7. MonkeyPickAss

    Need help. Cant do anything.

    Try different servers is all i can tell you. I too have this issue and ive done countless things to try and fix it and nothing has helped. Some servers work some dont.
  8. MonkeyPickAss

    Working out distance from the map

    You do know if you use the dayzdb map you can just click two points and it will give you an exact distance right?