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Everything posted by Enderhawk

  1. Learn to shoot Lee Enfield, it's really good and common weapon (although very loud) - I saw people that could hit a running or crawling person within 600-700m I belive. Not a headshot but still.
  2. Enderhawk

    An ultimate pro tip #1

    Don't read damn tips, guides and shit. Explore and learn the game on your own. It becomes an adventure instead of arcade.
  3. Enderhawk

    Increase Range of Direct Communication

    Im not sure about it, but I recall some dev saying that whole communication system will be revmaped. Personaly I'm hoping for some sort of ACRE mod and stuff. Direct chat only + radio (many types with diffrent power, range, band frequency) and stuff like car power enhacment, worse signal inside buildings etc.
  4. Enderhawk

    Fix idea for server hopping

    No. Sometimes I have to log outa server 3 times before Im actually in (not stuck at loading and stuff). Worst case scenario an individual won't play dayz at all so it's just doing him a favor.. right?
  5. +1 The threat is already being risen - higher attack distance. However shots should alarm at higher radius and maybe more zombies? Just more, there were gliches so zombie respawn was 5seconds or somthing. That was crazy..
  6. Enderhawk

    Blood transfusion idea

    Ill make it short. Right now blood transfusion sucks, I hope its temrporary. My idea is that + you can apply blood transfussion to yourself ( now thats the place where it get's tougher) - You need to stay stationary - Full blood transfusion takes 30 minutes, so about 400 per minute. It's fluent, updating every 5-10-30-60 seconds. - If you move or some way another interrupt blood transfusion, character starts to bleed and require bandages. - Blood transfusion is over without bleeding either when proper action is selected from scroll menu or when blood limit is full. EDIT1: If someone is giving you transfussion then: - It replenishes 1k blood/minute - if you fall unconscious blood pack will not get spilled, but it will continue to raise your health. EDIT2: - No more blood gain when eating. - Saline common in shops, apartments and other buildings. - Blood Packs spawn not only by the hospitals, however these are very rare. Saline can raise your blood up to 9k (the point of possibility to loose consciousness) What do you think?
  7. Enderhawk

    Blood transfusion idea

    - No more blood gain when eating. - Saline common in shops, apartments and other buildings. - Blood Packs spawn not only by the hospitals, however these are very rare. Saline can raise your blood up to 9k (the point of possibility to loose consciousness)
  8. Enderhawk

    Blood transfusion idea

    Good point. But what about it: If someone is giving you transfussion then: - It replenishes 1k blood/minute - if you fall unconscious blood pack will not get spilled, but it will continue to raise your health. Also the consciousness can be lost when below lets say.. 8-9k of blood.