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BadAsh (DayZ)

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Everything posted by BadAsh (DayZ)

  1. BadAsh (DayZ)

    i THINK i MIGHT BE a bit daft...

    I haven't managed to find a magazine for this gun yet, so I haven't tried it out. But if it is on par or weaker than the 9mm pistols in this game then I wouldn't bother with it. They are quite useless and you would be better off using that sledgehammer.
  2. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Crying Noises

    I've never ate human steak either and also experienced this. I never claimed you had to eat human meat to experience this, quite the contrary. Your failure to recognise this, makes me suspect you have failed in general reading skills concerning my post. However I am not going to hold it against you and I will continue writing this as if you had a point: I'm sorry but you have to provide some actual links for the 2-4 claims in your posts. I've searched the bug tracker and haven't been able to find any confirmation of your claims, but as well all now it is a clunky bit of software, so I may have done it wrong. Please confirm with links.
  3. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Crying Noises

    Or perhaps you should consider it is your own character emitting those noises? The "same volume" kinda supports that theory. As I stated, unlike the ambient sounds bugs, it doesn't cut off, you don't hear half of that sample, like you only hear half of the ammo sorting samples, half of drinking or opening sodas, half of the eating etc etc, you hear the full sample, up close, and it is a relatively long sample. And always at the same volume, like it is always the same volume when your character eats, reloads, grunts, or does everything else.
  4. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Crying Noises

    I doubt it. The ambient sounds always cuts off before finishing. The crying sound plays all the way (I have had it as well). My theory is that there is a small risk that you can get the disease by being injured by zombies.
  5. I found my first ever tent in this game yesterday. I was on the ship, and I tried to get out of there as fast as possible so I could try and set it up, but of course 10 secs later the server restarted and the tent was gone baby gone. So while I am no longer a tent virgin, I have yet to get to second base with one.
  6. It seems like they have set the season to winter like last time (probably December on account of Christmas). Temperature settings really needs adjustment, as the cold tend to consume energy from the character on an unrealistic and spectacular level.
  7. The intestines for sausages, the liver makes a good paté, the rest can go in a stew or contribute to a good stock. However in reality I think it is just something prosaic as strings, like Damnyourdeadman suggested.
  8. BadAsh (DayZ)

    So, are vehicles coming in 0.50 or not?

    anotherdeadhero wins the thread.
  9. And everybody spawns with a pair of perfectly capable zombie killing instruments anyway.
  10. Hunting knife. A blue v3s truck. Exit and entering animations for the truck. Edit: Oh yeah and I found a skull balaclava in a common industrial building and the press vest in a garage.
  11. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Well I guess its time for some pranks ;)

    Also shouldn't it be Texas Chainsaw Massacre prank? A chainsaw was definitely not Jasons weapon of choice.
  12. And then they rush to the forums complaining about hackers.
  13. BadAsh (DayZ)

    What is exactly happening or wrong when fighting zombies?

    It is not that the game doesn't respect the y-axis or that zombies can go through walls, it is simply that desynch can cause your character to be located in two different positions according to the game, and the second position can get stuck in a corner with an angry zombie blocking its path. As I mentioned above, the vault tip works, and if you make a habit of using it, you will get a consistent experience of zombies that do in fact respect walls and the y-axis. Edit: It should be mentioned that there is a second zombie bug unrelated to the above zombie problem. This bug is actual true invisible zombies, which follows you around, making zombie noises right in your ear and hitting you, although they are completely invisible. In my experience this bug is rare and often confused with the desynch bug. I have only experienced the actual invisible zombie bug twice. Once I relogged and the invisible zombie was gone, the second time I experiemented a bit, and I actually managed to lock it in a room by closing the door. I have no idea what causes the true invisible zombie.
  14. BadAsh (DayZ)

    What is exactly happening or wrong when fighting zombies?

    Press v to vault if you are being hit by zombies from far away. This synchronises your position in game and your virtual alter ego wont be stuck there anymore.
  15. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Game is making strides.

    Along with the new renderer zombie AI is actually one of the things I am most excited about as upcoming feature in Q1 2015 (as shown on the roadmap).
  16. 3 zombies with fists only can be done. It can be a bit tricky and certainly requires some experience with the game, however it is not impossible. You can easily outrun them however, or trap them in houses by closing doors, and these last two options would be my choice until I found a decent melee weapon. Zombies are unfortunately the least of your problems at this stage of the game.
  17. BadAsh (DayZ)


    17 seconds of intro drags on? Man, the attention span of kids these days.
  18. BadAsh (DayZ)


    It seems you can spawn with the disease. I've had this twice as well with newspawns. I thought it was because I had recieved zombie damage, but from your videos it seems to be something you spawned with.
  19. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Huh? Did you even bother to read it? His post contains nothing of the sort, in fact he is pointing out the exact same thing you are, namely that the most likely explanation is that the character was killed during logout.
  20. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Netting and ghillie crafting

    Trash loot in the sense that there is an overabundance of it, and what there is left is mostly in damaged and badly damaged states.
  21. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    And you are sure it is on the current stable build you have found this? I found lots of that stuff as well in latest exp, but I haven't been finding anything, nothing, nada, on current stable. And I have been very persistent in my search.
  22. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Netting and ghillie crafting

    Also, there is no trash loot anymore around boats (wellies, rain jackets, boonies) like there was in the latest exp build, which suggests that the loot spawn is simply bugged and doesn't spawn any of the loot it is supposed to.
  23. BadAsh (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Nope just tried myself on a low pop private shard server. I even went to Berezhki, the motherlode of all boats. None of the boats spawned anything, not even wellies, rain jackets and boonies, like they should have. So I suspect that loot spawnpoint is bugged in the stable release.
  24. BadAsh (DayZ)

    How did this not kill this player?

    The shotgun does plenty damage, but the spread of the pellets in game seems far to much, especially with the pumpgun (the unsawed doublebarrel seems to have a much much longer range). You need to be very close to get a full pellet hit. It does seem likely that only a few pellets actually hit anything with the two first shots.